Helllooo from Bangkok!!!!!!!!!!!!. Got here on Wednesday after a wee stop off in Doha. Its been an eventful day and a half, well last night was eventful. Got ourselves a sweet hotel just off Khao San Road for 800B a night so thought we'd treat ourselves for the first couple of nights to a hot shower but defo going to be knocking the price down to cheap as chips from now on in. We are getting pretty good at this haggling lark after an evening over in the Pat Pong night markets, I have no arm space left I tell you with all the bangles!!. Then there was the Tuk Tuk back to our hotel this evening, OMG!!, scariest ride (if you can call it that) I've ever been on, bloody nora, esp when swinging around the corners of Bangkok on two wheels and tuk tuk racing another cart and seeing the other tuk tuks front wheel off the floor!!. We did em though!! ;-)
Oh yeh last night!!. So we got all settled in at the pad and took 40 winks so that we were ready for the night. Out for a big of grub, Western food may I add as all of us poted for a Hawaain Pizza and a few Changs to start the night. Not quite ready for the Thai food yet and I'm glad to say that its still solid :-O after some grub we ventured off to Kho San Road and took in the sights stopping off at the bar on the corner for a few more Changs. Then off to the Irish bar where this sweet band were playing, met some local Thai girls and got chatting the night away with oasis and even Chumbawumba (I get knocked down!!, bit I get up again!!) being belted out by the rock stars at the bar. Ended up at some other bar with a band playing Ozzy Oz and some rock classics. Met a German couple, a Welsh (from Caaarriddfff) contracter and a lad from Norwich who if we find him around here again said he wants to come Pattaya with thats the next stop for us after a sweet excursion up to pet some tiger cubs, boat up the River Kwai, hotel and food for the night and waterfalls on the way back to Bangkok. Really looking forward to that....oh yeh back to last night. So we went to another bar/restaurant by our hotel with the lads and lass of the German lad. Onto the San Sung (local Whiskey with coke and redbull!!) buckets then. Up untill 7 this morning but as the hotel was only around the corner could Spiderman it along the wall and get some muc neded rest after the heavy sesh.
So its ben a sweet and eventful start to the bimbling, there will be plenty more to come to keep checking us out, all thats left to say is....
Dickie, Nicky, Chris and Myden.xxxxxxxx
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