10th March
-7C to -15C
Windy, Snowing
Awake at 7am again this morning as we are going on another tour today. Taking much of the same route as yesterday following the south shore but going further south. It's really cold but in Reykjavik it's not so windy.
We follow highway number 1 (which runs the whole way around Iceland) along south shore. Along this route we pass Eyjafallajokull volcanoe, the same as yeterday (the one that erupted last year) only today we actually saw it and were able to take a few photos. I really wanted to take a helicopter ride over it but it was going to cost over $1000 dollars so l scrubbed that idea.
The first few stops we made Mum and l stayed in the bus because we saw it yesterday and l sorta think hey.....why get cold when we don't have to, right! The bus took us to the glacier again but because of bad weather it had to stop a fair way from the glacier and the other tourists had a bit if a hike to get there. When they got back to the bus we asked if they had walked under the glacier and they said they hadn't so we were glad we went yesterday and did that because it was really awesome and it's a shame they missed out. By this time the wind has started to really pick up it almost knocks you off your feet. There is a photo there of the snow blowing about. Next we stopped at the beach where there is a couple of formation of rocks called Reynisfjara Halsanefshellir. One is a promontory with steep cliffs that extend into the sea and at the end there is a hole that goes right through the rock. Another which is called Reynisfjara are sea stacks and are only a short distance from the shore. While another is stacks of rock on the face of a cliff. Very unusual. Mum's hat blew off her head, rolled along the beach and right into the water. She couldn't save it as it happened so quickly. Good excuse to buy another one. We had lunch at this stop and then it was time to head on. We stopped at the Skogar museum. A guy founded it in 1949 and he still works there occasionally to this day. He was there today and he sang us a song in Icelandic while he played an ancient Icelandic instrument. He's 90 this year so he's doing pretty well. The museum has over 12,000 artefacts and is the largest in Iceland. We were given a guided tour and it was really interesting. It was now time to go to another waterfall which Mum and l had already seen, collect some tourists we had dropped off earlier at the glacier and head back to Reykjavik. On the way back there was lots of snow storms because it was so windy and as we got closer to Reykjavik it started snowing. We're so glad we did yesterday's tour as the weather was much better for sight seeing and taking photos. We got back to the hotel around 7.15pm. We called a taxi to take us to a resturaunt recommended to us called the 3 French Men. It is predominately a seafood resturaunt. Mum ordered Puffin for entree which l tried. It's served raw and doesn't really have any taste and l didn't like the texture. We both had the whale for main and it was quite nice. Whale is served as a steak which is cut quite thin and cooked very quickly. The texture and tase is similar to beef. Tossed down with a few glasses of wine and you wouldn't know the difference. We were hoping to go light chasing again tonight but the weather was too bad and all the tours were cancelled. We only have one full day left here and then we head to the UK and Ireland.
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