Hi Adam & Grillzy Well you guy's are are having fun and I must admit some time soon I would like to hear the stories that you can't write about ??? I must admit this Blog adventure is a great way to share your experiances as you travel. Pictures are great and I will check the Bog ... every day
The Adams
Hey Everyone
Thanks to you all who have left all these messages, and we hope you are all enjoying our updates... We are having a fantastic time and have just landed in Phuket, so expect some more photos and tales to come, we all ready have a few to tell.
We are both safe and looking forward to the sun, sea and the sand...
Love you all, keep the messages coming
Adam & Adam
Luke Harnett
Adam X 2
Hope both of are keeping well. Enjoying the weather.Back in the shire we have about 5 inchs of snow which is causing koas. Not been in work for that past 3 days due to no transport and car broken. WOW to the waterfall photos, some good snaps boys, Any Crocs in their ? .Anyways first week over and lots more to come... Enjoy now
L x
Dad Grills
Looks like you both are having the most fantastic time. Your mum and I keep checking to see how you are getting on and we are keeping the computer on so hopefully we might be able to talk via the webcam.
First week nearly over, it doen't seem two minutes since we were dropping you off at Ad's! Keep safe, look after each other and have a great time, love you lots. xxx
Dad G.
Oh, food seems to be lasting a lot longer here!
Ha that chilli looks hot! I bet it makes the 14 Ecccels challenges seem tame!
Debbie & Michael
We worked out what to do....... this was such a good idea journaling your adventure for all us folk back home to share .
Have fun,watch out for the bugs ........them critters get everywhere
Spencer Fuge
Hi Mr Long & Mr Adz... You're both looking like your having a Pooping good time, all those boys riding bareback on elephants; who wouldn't! Glad you got out there safely, make sure it stays that way! No drinking snake juice and joining in on any Russian Roulette games... I've seen Deer Hunter! Well, be safe, smile lots, and keep experiencing lots of Pooping good things. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Aw yey, we have some pics to see. Glad to c ur having an amazing time. Keep being snappy happy.I'll look forward to the next batch of piccys.
Miss and love u loads x x x x x x x
Hey your online at the same time as me!! how lucky!! hope you boys are having a fab time cant wait to see all your pictures!! am just cooking salmon for tea! and am about to cook raspberry and banana muffins!! hope your enjoying the thai food!!
love you loads!!Xxx
John Fane
Hello there!
So jealous of you guys, can't wait to follow all your piccys! x
Hi lil bro! Just sent u and email from mums new hotmail account but thought i'd give your blog a whirl. I'm not gonna have any free time once Paul goes away coz i'll be too busy writing to you both. Oh well i'll just not have to mark the kids books that'll save some time. Anyway have a great time, look after each other and keep posting the pictures then we can keep an eye on u!
Love Jem x
Mum Pauline
Hi Adams
Gosh you are both so lucky you got away when you did as most airports closed today because of the volume of snow we have got here. Hope flight went well and you are having a great first day. Love the pictures taken at the airport. Love to you both and take care XXXX