After our amazing week on the ranch we weren't really ready to hang up our saddles but as time was running out in Australia we had to pack up and make tracks to the city. A city infamous for two of the world's most popular tourist attractions; the Sydney opera house and the harbour bridge. However, before that chapter began we had to get there and that turned out to be a journey and a half.
Setting off from Bingara to arriving in Sydney took 12 hours of pretty much solid driving. We left with plenty of time, but still arrived late in the evening and navigating Sydney city centre without a map set us back even further. We were once again fortunate enough to have been put up by some accommodating friends for a few nights, in the shape of Gemma and Nick.
Our first full day in Sydney and we decided to head into the city and take in the sites. The weather held out but the battery on the camera didn't and being the happy snappy pair we are, a return trip was needed. We explored the city for the day and had a browse around the shops before heading back for a relaxing night in front of the TV. We planned a trip to the Blue Mountains for the next day and although the weather forecast was rain, we hoped it would hold out, although Sydney has more rainfall than London so it didn't look good.
The next morning we set off for the mountains under the impression there might be a spot of rain and shortly after leaving it was clear that we were rather inappropriately dressed as a rain storm hit. Once we got to the mountains, the visibility was really poor and at that altitude it wasn't the best weather for taking in Australia's scenic landscapes. We did a small trip around and took the worlds steepest train down to some viewing stations and then took a cable car back, words can't describe the views...there was none! To make the day somewhat worthwhile we were advised to watch a film at the cinema about the blue mountains and the main attraction, the three sisters, it turned out to be about a tree, but not any tree, one "apparently" as exciting to find as a dinosaur in the forest, yet incredibly boring!
The next day we returned to Sydney for the day to document what we had previously missed and later took a trip down to Bondi beach. It was really weird being back in the city and although we had all the conveniences and attractions we would have definitely swapped it for the outback. We had a huge drive ahead of us to Melbourne and after our brief encounter with Sydney; it was time to head out.
Adam & Adam
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