Loved your latest blog. Think about children and how they find it so easy to communicate even if the don t know the language. It s always fascinating to watch. Thailand is a place I ve never been to perhaps someday. Enjoy being back on the road even if it is a little different xxxxx
Katy Columbus!
Dear Magical Helper!
What a fool I feel - I didn't even know I had any messages until I dropped my phone and somehow ended up not only clicking on the blog app I use, but the messages section!
Anyway, I glad it happened because it meant I eventually (err, only 3 weeks after the event) saw your message!
I'm sorry I've not provided you with enough information - although you may be pleased to know I posted another blog last Friday. I'm not putting too much up partly because I don't want to bore people, but also because I've been so flippin' busy teaching and playing that I've not found the time! I also like to write my blogs like I'm writing an article or an essay - I like to structure them and have a pay-off line!
If it's easier, we could stay in touch by email - I'm still checking my yogabuzz-york one, and it feels a bit safer replying that way (I'm worried anything I type here will be published for all the world to see!).
Anyway, I'll sign off for now as break time is nearly over. Before I do, however, I must ask - have you started your course yet? Is the ashtanga / iyengar yoga arrangement working out? Hope you're well and happy...
Lots of love,
Katy xxx
The Magical Helper
Hello Missis
I hope you are well
I hoped for a little more blogging (if this is the technical term)
I hope you didn't miss your flight
I thought...lets find out what's happening on the 'wright path' having just returned from holiday. How bizarre to learn part of your journey involves a pit stop to paraparauma beach a place where I have also been!