We started off by being dropped off at the airport by Alex and Lauren- thanks guys, getting there bang on time. Went to get in the queue to hand over the bags, only you needed to have brought your boarding pass- which we couldnt as the page kept changing our seats, so I stayed in the line and Peter sorted out the boarding pass from the machine, he was instrcuted to use.
Got through secruity ok, after the usual taking off bealts, shoes, jackets, scarf- nearly the lot (you feel like its the biggest exposed changing room with hundreds of people you dont know- all in different stages of being undressed).
Man you can get some very grumpy customs people!
Off we go and have a coffee and reading the paper etc. Should have stopped and had a wee before going through the last gate, like Peter did- silly me, will remember next time- go even if you do think you need to lol.
Our Plane was over an hour late departing, and babies were crying bless them as it was such a long process for them. Small Plane- Turkish Airways- 3 seats on either side of the plane so just a small one. Of Corse it was raining cats and dogs when we left Gatwick- we know as we saw a few as we bounced around the sky. Women were crying- small screams were heard, and all I said was 'Keep Calm'- then started to pray-' Hello Lord how are you? Um not sure if you have noticed but we are getting thrown around like a can of baked beans in a storm- Um so if today is the day, can you tell my kids I love them so very much? Its a bit sucky that we are going on holiday- permanently like so close to my birthday, but hey its all in your hands. Its amazing what rund through your mind and heart when you feel so vulnerable.
I looked at Peter briefly and he was acting all cool and calm and continued watching his movie- I was faking that I was too. All the attendants rushed to the screaming crying woman, in order to calm them down and not cause panic with everyone else.
Breakfast was served once we could fly straight, and we both had a drink of the stronger than coffee and tea sort .......or two- ok it was two.
We arrived in Istabul only 30 minutes late, so the pilot must have taken a shortcut through the storm and made up time, or we got a really good tail wind. Long queues of people that probably just wanted to kiss the ground when they got off- ready to line up again to show passports.
Well guess what you need a visa to be a visitor to Turkey, and for the UK mob its £20, and for those with an Aussie passport its 50Euros- what the heck. I stood in the queue again while Peter sorted that out- of course there was only one person on the counter serving the millions, and you couldnt use your credit card- Note Always research, as they left that secrete until the last minute- in fact it was the couple in front that informed us.
Suitcases collected and then a quick wee- Oh My Giddy Aunt the smell (Oh please God dont let this week, be all about smelly public toliets?). We booked a Taxi as our hotel is approx 90 from the airport- with traffic. Walking outside was amazing, car horns going off, people taking their lives in their hands crossing the road, and an elderly man - Bless him directing foot traffic and motor traffic. All I could do was laugh as people were screaming at each other, for being in the wrong place.
Off we go with our Taxi drive thats English consisted of 'Hello'. The bright orange/ red sunset to our right and a full moon on the left- it really was breathtaking.
The amazing verticle gardens- just beautiful. We saw so many wonderful things, that I will mention more tomorrow as I am so tired. Needless to say, we are so glad to be here, have planned what we will do tomorrow, and have made ourselves at home since we are here for a week.
We had a lovely drink on the roof top of the hotel, and the view once again was beautiful. Then off for a fish dinner at a lovley local family resturant - so we have had fish from the Black sea.
I hope we didnt loose any of you from the backseat in the flight- if so send and SOS and we will track you down- Well Peter will anyway (Ex- naval navigator ) Love and Blessing to you all. Thanks for your comments
- comments
Max Dickman Flight sounds like fun. Always reassuring when your feet get back to terre firma. Enjoy.
Veronica Freedman What an adventure and only on your first day! Lots of love x
Rita Smith Say hi to all the esquisite mosques and the bazaar for me. Try not using earplugs & soak up the call of the Imam at dawn ... just so you know where you are ... soak up the experience. .. tessakur for the blog