The Spanish Inquisition!
Five weeks.
Main stop SPAIN!
Debra - she'll need SPACE.
Tony - he'll need his physical needs satisified. (Food, Water, Sleep)
Sally - she'll need to seize the day.
Me - I'll need to be interested.
Interesting huh?
x Miranda
PS Tony's "physical needs" will be ignored at the peril of the group.
PPS - Paula - personality expert - did the analyse of what she thought each of us might need to keep sane over the five weeks. She is very interesting...
PPPS - the trip is in honour of Spacewoman's "significant" birthday from last year. Happy birthday Spacewoman - we love you!
- comments
Mike and Liz So, when? Exciting!
Physidude (TD) Thanks for setting this up Intrestachic. It fufills some of my physical needs to write. Physidude
pete and pam Tony and Deb - have a fantastico time. Perhaps Miranda meant flamenco dancing for Tony! Pam and Pete
Miranda That's what PAULA said he'll need and Debra agreed! Oh and I guess I forgot to be clear that physical needs is mainly about FOOD and DRINK ...(is this a yellow card infringement for not being clear on the blog?)