Port Lincoln (Fish capital of Aus)
After deciding to say at Port Lincoln Tourist Park we got a spot right up the back, lucky for us we have a double story and still had a view!!!
Being the seafod capital of Australia we did the right thing and bought an array of fish for dinner.
Monday while the girls caught up on some washing and went to Target, Tim and Archie went for a fish off the jetty, much to their delight Archie caught a squid (bit small) and Tim caught a large Blue Swimmer Crab.
The afternoon was spent on town beach and jetty before having Tim's crab for entre.
Sunday was time to catch the markets, with a P&O cruise ship in they had a market on the foreshore. Some good home cooked goodies, chickens and some funky guitars made out of all sorts of objects was the extent of the markets. At 2.30 we headed out to one of tuna feeding rings to Swim with The Tuna. We were decked out in our wetsuits and instructed to head into the water, no brief just get in with them. Lotte checking that the bottom of the pens were closed off with netting first- a very good question as sharks love tuna and Port Lincoln is well known for sharks!! Firstly we all starting with the smaller fish and hand feeding them. Then moving into the Tuna pe. To start with not many around but then to be swooped and come face to face with them was amazing. Tuna can swim 70km /hr so we needed to be quick to see and try and touch any. We also learnt the heaviest ever weight recorded for the bluefin Tuna is 230kg - huge.
To catch these Tuna they have a decoy boat 100s of km off shore feeding a school while another boat drags a net in a circle around the outside, once in this holding pen they're individually caught under the the gills by divers and put into the Tuna feeding pens and towed back to Port Lincoln, this towing can take 3 to 6 weeks. The tuna are then fed tones of fish to be fattened up to sell. Fantastic experience and well set up for all ages to have interaction with fish either in the water or out.
The following day was a big day driving to Ceduna.
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