Sawadee Krup!May I first respond to my dear friend Kristian’s simple words of unkindness-Why such negativity should spew forth from your mind I cannot guess. My only assumption can be that this darkness is embedded deeply in your soul, suppressed only by my company over the past 9 months. For we all know, even the darkest recesses can be illuminated if the light is good and true. And as to your attempts to erase my presence from those with whom I have shared such good times, it is no matter, for my memory of them is strong enough for us both and all bridges can be rebuilt with time.I can only hope that one day you are able to find peace with yourself, for without that you will be like ship lost at sea, with out anchor or safe harbour, forever adrift among the waves.But enough about that! There are many finer things afoot then dark words spoken amongst brothers.I have been spending the last week in a total comfort and contentment on Koh Mak, a little island in the gulf of Thailand boosting the wonderful little moon resort. I use the term loosely, for here it means a series of tree houses located in the forest on the edge of the ocean. Completely isolated from the rest of the island, in fact each hut is so well integrated into the trees that it is easy to forget that anyone is there at all. Run by a group of Thai hippies who, aside from occasionally sweeping up leaves, are engaged in laidback discussions about the Grateful Dead, Woodstock and the Green Turtle bus. You would be forgiven for believing that they were there at Haight/Ashbury during the 69 flower power revolution itself! The truth being that they all under thirty five and have hardly left their home towns in Southeast Asia is of little consequence, since the atmosphere they create is perfect and ideal for those seeking to 'turn on, tune in, and drop out'.So I spend my days in deep relaxation, peppered with moments of physical exercise, and constant enjoyment of the wonderful food prepared in little more then garden shed with two gas burners and a wok.I will be leaving shortly for the excitement of the North, but for now will savor my last few days splayed out in a hammock enjoying the sounds of the forest and the sea intermingle with the musical selection of Hippy Joe and Co.Peace, Jah Bless,
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