So, back in Bangkok, after another LONG bus ride, once again. Been up to Pai for some wholesome Yoga/hotsprings/swimingpool/latenight partying, etc. I always start with good intentions but seem to get distracted along the way. In this instance by Fisherman’s Friends, a Finnish Concoction that will remain a secret till my return. Although it’s not that hard to figure out, think Vodka and Peppermints and you'll have a pretty good idea. Anyway, Pai is as charming as I remember it, and I could easily stay there indefinitely, if the rest of the world wasn't so lovely as well!Anyway, separating from the group, leaving them to take the slow boat into Laos, I embarked on the 25 hour bus ride to Vientiane to wait for Anna-Louise. I had 24 hours to kill, and spent 20 of them asleep. Suddenly the leisurely boat ride down the Mekong seemed a pleasant adventure compared to injuries inflicted on my body by the torturous 'VIP' buses (think cramped seats, aircon on full and sleep-deprived drivers, kept awake only buy the almighty red bull and the constant sound of their horns).So the two of us went up to Vang Vieng, adventure hot spot of Laos and after a little persuasion I once again tried my hand at rock-climbing. It seems to have become a ritual of mine that ever couple of years I need to remind myself that I really, really don't care much for heights.So after a pleasant weekend I was once again left with the group from Pai, who made it down the river and past rebel strong-holds to float down the river in inner tubes, enjoying the local beverages and death defying rope swings until it all got to much, and beaches once again call my name.So tomorrow I meet up with another friend from Pai and we head south. This Holiday business is hard work, and I could certainly do with some quiet time on the beach to recharge before India. T-ired
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