Today has been ridiculous. I have done nothing and I just can't even be mad about it. Our group kinda took over the top deck and got to work getting the base tan topped up ready for Thailand in a week! We have sailed along the Yangtze River stopping over at the white temple (it's called that because its always foggy - genius) and then the lesser three gorges like I said before. It's just so hilly! I know that isn't quite the technical term but there are just hills everywhere and when you sail through them it's like something from a Disney film. I'm basically Pocahontas, just on a bigger boat..
It has been so nice today though just being able to completely disconnect with the world. Sounds so cheesy but all you can do is think and contemplate! There is no Internet, no tv, just me and the hills and the thousand of Mosquitos trying to drain me of all my blood.. not exaggerating.
Oh. I learnt to play mahjong! Properly. Like a Chinese person :)
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