YES!! the belarussian embassy let us have our visas so thank goodness we could get on our train to vienna. We arrived early in the morning, after an easy trip from moscow which took us to Blatislava, where we spent a few hours before catching a short train ride into Vienna, our lovely host Pat was waiting to meet us at the station and promptly took us to her apartment where she fed us bacon & eggs and we had hot showers!! and washed our clothes (in a real washing machine) oh the simple things in life how we take them for granted.... Pat has given us a whistle stop tour of Vienna which is too ridiculously beautiful to believe and we have the next 4 days to really get used to being around some culture. We have already booked ourselves in to an evening of Mozart at St. Stephens and I am looking forward to seeing some musuems and art galleries tomorrow. Will write more soon xx
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