Rio... this city is one that I hear people fall in love with, now I no why! This is truely amazing. Even though we only stayed 4 days we experienced so much. travelling to Christ The Redeemer, making the most of Copacabana beach and visiting the wonderful sights of the National Park of Tijuca, with not forgetting a messy Friday night out in Lapa. Even catching the local onibus was an experience in itself, especially when you know what bus to catch to get you there, but not back.... but luckily we have Fay and her Portuguese phrase book, she uses it so well mixed with broken Spanish, French and English... and a Leicester twang - it rarely makes sense, but with her good looks and charm she makes the friendly Brazilians laugh. It was only yesterday she thought she was saying "thank you" in Portuguese but she was actually saying "banheiro" toillet!! This went down a treat... funny as anything. 10 out of 10 for effort. Now leaving the hustle and bustle of a big City and on to paradise island - Ilha Grande.
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