well its been grt reading your blogs,watching videos and looking at pics,enjoy your last week and cant wait to see u both again lots of love xxxx
Unca Bunca
many happy returns of the day easton! have great birthday no doubt you'll be having a couple drinks to celebrate [make a change ha ha] keep on enjoying yourselves see you both soon take care mark & rain xx
Steph Smith
Happy Birthday Easton. Hope you enjoy your day- thinking of you. Hope you both enjoy the rest of your time out there- it won't be long before you are back home so make the most of it. Look forward to seeing you both soon xxx
Grandma & Grandpa W
hi both wishing you a happy birthday easton hope you both are ok and still having a great time we are fine and keeping busy missing you both take care love grandma & grandpa w xxxx
Hope you are both well. Miss you Fay xx
Mick Georgia
hello easton happy birthday! not missing u (am realy)hope u r having a great time!! mick georgia
Laura & Rich
You donuts!!! Wish you'd have emailed me re the Vietnamese visa thing... I could've warned you that you needed to get it before entering! Nevermind, sounds like a great experience you had as a result anyway, you'll never got to do that on a holiday or probably ever again, and these are the things you'll remember. It's not as friendly in Vietnam anyway... just read a FB staus from a girl friend we met travelling and she's just been mugged there! A few people we mat at the time had too! It's a bit hostile and we preferred Thailand and Cambodia anyway! Plus you can always go back there on holiday if you wanted to, only takes a couple of weeks to travel the whole length of the country... think we spent 3 weeks there.
Just a little tip whilst in Asia... consider not pre-booking your accommodation more often... I know it's a hassle on arrival but you can get some real bargains cuz you can barter more and you get to have a look around before you commit... and you'll ALWAYS find somewhere... we didn't pre-book accomodation once throughout our trip, even over xmas, NY and at Koh Phan-Ngan a day before the full moon party and we still found somewhere!
Anyway, I keep up with every blog... they're brilliant and take me right back, very jealous! Sounds like you're having the best time and really making thr most of it, which you really should cuz it goes by way too fast. Can't wait till you're back to hear all about it... I'll book us a table at Barcelonetta :)!!! Lotsa love. x
P.S. Think this message is as long as one of your blogs! Haha! x
Jon Boy
Thanks for posting those videos guys, i now had a big gay following in wigston. Remember to strap it up before you slap it up, peace!
Easton what have you been doing. TUT TUT LOL
Fantastic pic's of sunset's & sunrise..'awesome'. Hope your well and enjoying every moment!
Laura N Rich
Just been catching up with your blogs and pics... Inca Trail looks amazing but I'd have no chance! 43K AND uphill, not a hope! Haha! Well done both! Your Thai pics are bringing back so many memories, very jealous. Glad you're enjoying the food. You MUST try Papaya Salad (Som Tham), it's gorge! But don't go for Thai spicy... NEVER go for Thai spicy! 2 chilli's recomended! Keep enjoying! Lotsa love. xxx
Unca Bunca
hi both your having such a good time you won't want to come home! me and rain have been to mancora a couple of times for our holidays ooh no that was minorca ha ha enjoy asia keep on having fun speak soon unca bunca xx