Knowing we were pushing our luck we opted for another bus trip- this time we were heading south of KL to Melaka, another UNESCO heritage site. And much to our surprise, we are now counting two comfortable bus rides in a row although there were no video players on our latest ride. Our basic hotel was just 1 street removed from the famous Jonkers St, and the whole area was a collection of architecture frozen in time- most of it from the Dutch colonial period. The night market which greeted us was much more engaging then the ones we had seen in KL- there was even a karaoke-on-steroids event taking place at the end of the street. A huge open-air stage (empty, except for a lonely teleprompter machine) was available to anyone who might want to explore their 15 seconds of fame (or, in this case, 3 minutes of ear bleeding pain), complete with a relatively large and interested audience. I didn't think there'd be many takers for this hall-of-shame public fiesta but when DH went to enter her name, she was met with a lineup that would take most of the night to get through. Fortunately (I'm sure I meant to say "unfortunately") Melaka was not to be blessed with DH's rendition of 'I Am Woman, Hear Me Roar'. The rest of the market was a mix of surprisingly inexpensive designer brand goods (like DH's new GooChee sunglasses) and unrecognizable food products- would you really want to eat something that has to be broken into smaller pieces using a hammer and chisel?? A cold beer to cool off and it was time for bed (11:00pm and it was still around 30C with a humidity level that would make the Pacific Ocean seem like a dust bowl in comparison- DH just can't do a thing with her hair in this environment!!).
Melaka has a number of different walking trails that facilitate the towns journey through time including the Portuguese, Dutch, and British colonial periods (the walks involved only a handful of near-death incidents with rogue vehicles which was good given recent experiences). Massive land-reclamation projects have pushed many of the former seaside sites inland, and there is a real threat that this historic centre is becoming too much of an amusement park in order to satisfy the domestic tourists, but at this point you could still sense the former glory days under the Melaka sultanates when the city was a wealthy centre for trade with China, India, Siam (Thailand) and Indonesia.
In addition to another bad haircut (perhaps I look like the kind of guy who should have a Mohawk?), the lasting memories of Melaka will include cheesy flower-covered Trishaws that blasted music out of over-sized speakers attached to the back (Trishaws are basically bicycles with a side carriage attached usually peddled by an older gent at a pace just slightly slower than walking), and a shopping mall storefront that offered up archery lessons. Archery in a mall?? If Australia hears about this, they'll be posting a red circle with a slash through an arrow on all their mall doors poste haste!! This was a wide open store front with zero security (when we first wandered in there was a "Back In 5 Minutes" sign hanging off one of the bows and nothing was locked up) and after the heavy security of other Asian malls so you couldn't help but think that unrestricted access to bows and arrows in a shopping area was wrong on many different levels. Having retired from policing, DH saw absolutely nothing wrong with this, and started flashing back to her days as a high school all-star in archery- she stepped right up and unleashed a flurry of arrows doing her best Robin Hood impression. After the sales girl removed a couple of arrows from the cash register and an innocent light fixture, I gave it a try myself- just practicing for Mongolia. Still not sure that archery in a mall will catch on??
Melaka also confirmed another bit of folklore about Malaysia- the suggestion that about half of the population is employed cooking food for the other half of the population. I might suggest that it is more a matter of thirds. About a third of the population is cooking for a third of the population while the remaining third digests their meals while chain-smoking. How Malaysians stay as thin as they do is something of a mystery.
- comments
Carol Oh boy I could use ideas like this to spruce up my trike, not sure it would make it very aerodynamic though!
Carol No,no,no,no! Definitely not a good idea!
Amanda No, it was one of our recruits
Carol Looking good DH, time to go into training for the Rio Olympics in 2016?
Carol Such an intense look on your face! Remind me not to piss you off if there is a bow and arrow around! But the question is, did you hit the target?
Doe Be sure to go up to the Cameron Highlands when you go to Penang later on.I'll be in Penang Feb16 if you are around. (Singapore 13/14).Melaka has sure changed a lot.
Elaine & Doug Deb, we're reasonably sure that neither Vic nor anyone else would dare snicker at your rendition of 'I am woman' if you were allowed to go on the Karaoke stage and belt out the song while armed and poised as you are in this pic!
Carol Actually yes the guy in the rear of the photo is a bit smaller than you Vic! Maybe you should give him some pointers on body building!
Terry How come every bride is beautiful?
May Looks much more interesting from this angle
Tina b Yikes!
May This beats the pizza handroll I saw in India.
Terry count me out......
Tina b I think deb was the inspiration for katniss from the hunger games. Great form!
Tracy B. What on earth is THAT!
Marlene Are you sure it shouldn't be JOKER ST ?!
Marlene about "cookie cutter" homes....
Marlene Everything looks "make believe". Are you guys living the dream ?
Marlene Ooooops!
Marlene That actually looks GROSS .....
Marlene Take off the shirt, so that I can truely compare!! LOL !
Marlene I will recommend that as a new Use of Force Option. Eh, why not, we get scutinized for everything else?!!!
diana Hi Deb & Vic,I must be nice to have you own restaurant over there Ha! Take care guys.Amazing photo's ! I'm glad your both well.Business is good for at the Barber Shop. Take care .Diana