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Timbuktu, Mali

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Moncton, New Brunswick

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Kapuskasing, Ontario

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Fargo, North Dakota
debbiebutt Dave said that you must be mistaking him with someone else,He was a master with words which seemed to calm the ass@&*# s down.
Great Uncle Vern Elicits memories from when I was a 3 year old on the old Saskatchewan homestead. The strongest radio signal came from Fargo North Dakota. That was before the Canadian Broadcasting Commission (1932) and the CBC (l936).
Sankofa I am from london and i stayed in ghana for 6months straight,i never did visit the slave castle and i am glad i didnt..because livin in london from 1980s all what was showin of the black race was awful includin slavery,my spirit didnt want to go to castle so i went the other way kumasi and brong ahafo my father town r.i.p paps.
re: The Cruelty Of ManDoug and Elaine I (Doug) viewed the NB Tidal Bore during my misspent youth, which was some years ago. It's no Pororoca, but it's a rather impressive occurrence nonetheless. There were no surfers (borers?) at the time and given the uncertainty of the timing, speed and height of the Bore, these people must spend a heck of lot of their free time waiting for that perfect wave.
re: Coasting Uphilldebbiebutt Hey! hey!!!! To many of those will end up having us drag your ass up those ladders.....behave!
re: Coasting Uphillblingdesigner ML & I were in the Maritimes in July. We were at Hopewell the week before you, but it was much more crowded...unless you have "depopulated" your photos. Too bad we didn't know you were there too...we could have met for lunch...or a lobster supper.
re: Coasting Uphillmacsim2@sympatico.ca Great photos, as usual. Congratulations on your new home purchase.
re: I Need To Build A Castle??Lorena such great post and pictures tku for sharing. lots to catch up.. take care .. big hug.
re: I Need To Build A Castle??- last visited

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debbiebutt Hey! hey!!!! To many of those will end up having us drag your ass up those ladders.....behave!
Doug and Elaine Amp Test
Doug and Elaine I (Doug) viewed the NB Tidal Bore during my misspent youth, which was some years ago. It's no Pororoca, but it's a rather impressive occurrence nonetheless. There were no surfers (borers?) at the time and given the uncertainty of the timing, speed and height of the Bore, these people must spend a heck of lot of their free time waiting for that perfect wave.