Tuesday July 8th 2:41Dehra DunThis morning we saw Dr I J Nanda again.He is such a fantastic physician.He has become an inspiration to me.He holds on so firmly on his beliefs and it pays off.He only sees a few patients but the few that he does see he gets to heal.He's not one of those doctors that seek the financial benefit of being a physician.In fact, unless you change some of the core beliefs of homeopathy, which some of his colleagues have done, you really cannot make even 1/10th the amount of money as a MD.This is what is so inspiring about the guy. He knows that he can change things, changes to his practice, and make a lot of money.But because his satisfaction does not come from the monetary gain but from the gain of seeing patients get better he has a very satisfying life.He seems to be a very satisfied man to say the least.Everything that I believe medicine should be; working to improve others.Giving people a way out of misery, not being in it for the gain, beings happy just from helping others; all those aspects are in this man.In rather fantastic to see and gives me hope for my future.I am so fascinated by homeopathy that I believe I will seek it for medical care to try it on myself.It does seem way too good to be true that's why I want to try it for myself first.Taylor
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