Hi Guy's
Long time no post, had major computer problems,had a back door worm. It deleted nearly all ourprogram exe files,and I blamed Jas but he recons it was me, so he's probably right. Jas spent most of his holidays trying to fix it. I'm glad we got to speak with you on xmas day and after new years day. Glad to get back on line and read all the posts and find out that you are safe and well and are having a great time and enjoying the soccer(sorry football). Dazz your cousin Nat had a baby daughter 10lbs (monster) called Ava Jillian. she's beautifull and Jill's pulled the pin in Adelaide and going to Sydney to live. Greg's moving to Melbourne for work and Jas is looking to buy close to where he work's. Mum & I have been flat out socialising (how unusual!!!)
Enjoy the rest of your trip
Love Mum&Dad
I always knew dad had a talent for quarantine! Perhaps one day we will see him make a cameo apperance for border security...
Hey Tash,
Forgot to tell you in that last post... Thursday night at our place, there was a fly hanging around the tuna dip! Well, I didn't see it, but apparently your dad took care of it and we were saved from the dip-fly threat. Phew!!! That was a close one!
The Mcleods
Hi guys!
Glad to hear you're having such a great time. We just wanted to say thanks for the lovely postcard from Berlin. It's always nice getting stuff in the post from overseas! Well life's not remotely as exciting back home and it pales into comparison with the ball of a time that you two are having in Europe. Very jealous about the football matches you've been to! We watched those games on tv and it looked like they would have been great games to see live. Oh yeah, see if you can get a guided tour of the castle in Edinburgh (it's really interesting). We missed you at our place Thursday night, Tash - your Mum made her tuna dip! Needless to say, Tom was quite excited and it lived up to expectations, as usual. Anyway, just want to cap-off by saying we miss you both and we wish you all the best for your last week away. Looking forward to seeing you both when you get back and hearing all the stories and looking at all the great photos! Take care.
Love from the McLeods.
Tash And Dazz
Hi all
Arrived in Edinburgh early this morning and the weather has been fantastic. Well, when i say fantastic i mean it has been a mild 6degrees and sunny with clear blue skies. We're hoping that we can get through the next few days without any rain.
Our hostel in Edinburgh is much nicer and i have to say Edinburgh is a really really nice city. It's very hilly so the streets are on slopes (not fun walking up a steep slope with a heavy backpack Tash almost rolled back down lol) but we are staying on the Royal Mile which is exactly what the name suggests - the street leading up to the Edinburgh castle and it's a mile long. But the buildings are all old and in fantastic condition. We walked up to the castle today which is at the top of the R.M and looks down on the city. Its quite high up. Darren wouldn't get too close to the edge! It would definately have been hard for enemies to attack as there is pretty much only one way up to it.
Tomorrow we will go inside the castle and hopefully weather permitting we will climb to the top of Arthur's Seat which is a hill nearby.
Getting tired and missing the sunshine back home - and you all of course! This time next saturday we will be on our way home.
Guy if you are reading this Darren says he wanted to text you about the cricket... We hope Lucy has mastered her trumpet!
Anyway, hope to hear from everyone soon.
Love Tash and Dazz
hi guys.
Glad to see your both enjoying the trip. I'm now on holidays for 3 weeks - happy about that! Off to Perth tomorrow and when we get back you 2 will only be a couple of days away. Looking forward to seeing you both again. Everything here is pretty normal, no real news. We're going to Deda's tomorrow for Christmas, but won't be staying long. This will probably be our last post to you. Enjoy the last week. Our love to you both.
Milan & Lesley
Tash And Dazz
Hello everyone!
sorry it's been a while! Haven't really had access to the internet.
In Dublin at the moment - after christmas we hired a car and drove to Cambridge then on to Manchester where we saw the Manchester Utd vs Reading game at Old Trafford. We set off from Cambridge with just a Hertz map of the UK - which needless to say was not helpful when we got to Manchester! We basically bumbled our way to Old Trafford with a little help from one of Darren's friends who lives in manchester. (Only after Tash insisted we call him for help) There is one big ring road which goes around the outside of Manchester which we could have driven round and round with no idea of where to get off! we were driving and just hoping there would be a sign saying 'Old Trafford'! We did get there, JUST in time for kick off (and i mean, we literally sat down and the whistle blew). But the game was excellent, and although our seats were really high up, the atmosphere was fantastic and the stadium itself was huge. After the game we had to call the hotel to get some directions as we had no idea where that was either! But we made it safely, and spent new years in Manchester. Unfortunately it had to be bed straight after the strike of 12 as we had an early start the next day.
New years day we got up early and drove to Liverpool to see the Liverpool v Bolton game. We had awesome seats, right on the fence. We also had entry to the 'reds bar' which was great. We sang 'You'll Never Walk Alone' with the crowd and watched Liverpool dominate and go on to win 3-0 with an awesome scizzor kick goal from the stick Crouch. We can now add the players Ronaldo, Rooney, Giggs, Ferdinand, Van De Sar, Gerrard, Crouch, Kuyt, Carrager, Finnan, Alonso, Pennant and more to our list of top class players we have seen in action.
Our hotel in Liverpool was wild; the area we stayed in is called Albert Docks and is a bit like Port Adelaide - all done up and quite exclusive now but bloody windy (just ask steph!). The accents up there got a bit hard to decipher though! We tried to make an Anfield stadium tour but they were booked out and i thought Darren was going to have a fit... He had to live with the museum only, which is way more than i got to see of Old Trafford!
Now in Dublin, our room is so small that you have to sit on the bed to be able to open the door to the bathroom! It's badddd! But you win some you lose some... Today we went to the Guiness factory (i'm telling you its a football/beer tour of europe) but at the top of it they have like a 360degree bar which looks out over Dublin which is excellent. Dad you would have tried to take a big panoramic shot i think!
Anyway, out to dinner now then to the movies i think.
Love to everyone xx Miss you all and we will be home soon
Tash and Dazz
Hi guys
Happy new year to you both. Hope you are well. Have been waiting for you to post a message.
We are Ok and survived another new year. Had a few people over new year's eve and it was a perfect night for outdoors. Got to bed around 5am and we were all zombies the next day, including your parents Tash. The weather has been great and today is around 40 degrees. Going to go for a swim after work to cool off. We are heading off to Baba and Deda's on Sunday for Serbian xmas and going over to your mum and dad's tomorrow night for tea to catch up with Steph who should have arrived home today.
Write and let us know how you are. Thinking of you always.
Auntie Branka xxx
Hey guys,
just thought i would leave a message before i set off on my trip to falls. Hope you continue to have an awesome time and i look forward to reading the new posts when i return.
Love Steph.
x x
Hey Bro & Tash,
Hope you guys had a great christmas and Santa was kind to both of you. We had a great day here, although a little on the drunk and chilly side. It's good to hear that you made it to the concentration camp in Munich, you walk away from a place like that with different views on things thats for sure, well i know i did. Dazz will try and tape the football games your attending, if they are on fox.
I'm quite upset actually after noticing in an earlier post that you were doing a 'Jason' in Copenhagen. I'll not pass comment on this nor the one about my sexuality(Nicky), but will just say why go to the dearest part of Europe(Scandinavia) and then complain about how expensive it is!!!
For Tash make sure Dazz doesn't put you on any hedges in Cambridge - I'm still scarred from my Cambridge experience.
Take care guys
Ahsha & Chris
Hey Tash & Daz!!!
MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! Hope you both have a wonderful English-Style Christmas....and play nice!!! I'm serious Daz...be nice to my gal!!! ;) We are busy seeing everyone before we leave tomorrow for the long drive to Brissie. Will let you know how we are when we get there!!! Jenelle and I had a massive crying session yesterday....quite pathetic but i guess it only just started sinking in that im actually leaving and cant just see you all whenever i want anymore!!! :(
Miss ya's heaps already!!!
Enjoy yourselves and we'll have a christmas drinkie for you!!!
Talk soon!!!
Love ahsha & chris xx
Tash And Dazz
Hello everyone!
Merry christmas! Not quite christmas here yet but it is there.
No snow here either - we're out on oxford st shopping. Trying to find ourselves a christmas present.
Doesn't feel like christmas thou; no bbqs or hot weather, or you guys of course!
Monica and Guy have been fantastic, Lucy is gorgeous and so is sian. Lucy is 2 and so talkative, she had our names down pat before we'd even arrived. She's a smart cookie.
Currently trying to find a way to Manchester from Cambridge which isn't going to cost us a fortune!
Anyway, wont see you all soon, but love you and have some nice leg ham for us!
Love Tash and Dazz