Tasha's Travels
Hello Everyone
We have been super cultural the last couple of days to make up for all the beach bumming!
Last night we went to a Thai night at a very swanky resort. It was brilliant, we had free wine tasting and aperitif and the buffet was AMAZING!!! All the most amazing Thai food and salads and tropical fruits! I was really annoyed when i filled up!
We also managed to bag a table right at the front so we were up close and personal with the traditional thai musicians and dancers. I have to admit, thai music isn't exactly my taste- it was so bizarre. There were 4 guys playing various instruments and a girl sat in teh middle all dressed up with a tiny bell that she clang throughout regardless of the tune or speed of the others. Each of them sounded like they were playing at different speeds and different tunes and often it sounded out of tune as well.......very random. But it definitely grew on me, it startedto remind me of some strange jazz band, with a random little tune going on. I especially liked the guy who would suddenly produce this pipe from nowhere and make a noise like a duck with wind or a balloon slowly going down. Brilliant.
The dancers were dressed in fantastic costumes, tassles hanging off everywhere and amazing colours. We had 5 different dances, they're actually more like a series of poses repeated and alternated, and apparantly tell a story about various gods and princes. My favourite was when this young guy was meant to be a monkey in love with a princess.......interesting just doesn't cover it!
Then bizarrely we also got a Thai boxing demonstration, along with some martial arts and a fire dance- which did not compare to 'Carpe Diems' fire show in Phi Phi. The boxing was hilarious, it was so rehearsed and staged- they did comedy rolls on the floor and acted like they were dying- and at one point on of them gave the other a leg up so he could run up him and punch his head....... we were very amused!
Great night though!!
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