How much can change in a couple of weeks! We headed out to Alexander Bay from Esperance on Australia Day and it was 45 degrees in the shade - absolutely melting hot. Nath had to use welding gloves just to get the boat off and it didn't take much convincing on my behalf to go for lunch at the air conditioned Condinup Pub. We spent the afternoon celebrating Australia Day with Gerard and Nicole and a couple of their friends, there was much silliness and singing and dancing in the rain later that night followed by a stack down the caravan steps which had me limping for the next week. Unfortunately after that we were hit with three days straight of torrential rain and were confined to the camper trailer which was rapidly flooding. Poor Rubes got cabin fever and totally lost the plot after a couple of days with us all in one room, so we packed up the sodden camper and headed to Duke of Orleans caravan park for a hot shower and hopefully some drier weather.
We spent the next few days exploring Cape Arid and Cape Le Grande National parks but it is just not that enjoyable when it is pouring rain and freezing cold. Nath climbed Frenchmans Peak, this time without Ruby on his back and after that we decided to head for warmer weather.
So that brings us to Kalgoorlie, my old stomping ground - although it is a little different without Elsie here to gamble at the Tower with, come up Els! We have been staying with our good friends Doova and Ral who did us proud by having their baby girl just last night, two weeks early so we were able to meet her - well done baby Scarlett!
It is funny to come back to a place and see it from a tourists point of view - it is a pretty interesting place Kalgoorlie! Hard to imagine living here again though. So we are slowly catching up with everyone and are keen to hit the nullabor next week so Nath can cross an Australian border. He has finally got the OK to take off his wrist brace and can go surfing again so bring on cactus beach! Til South Australia, adios!
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