After our cheapest day in America so far - where else can you see a new release at the movies for $1.50?? We were happy to see the skies clear over American Fork in time for our dinner. When we woke up in the morning it was, you guessed it, snowing. The snow was settled in for some time so we packed up and moved on...
Bonneville Salt Flats was next, Rabbit's holy grail and a very strange natural phenomena. Blinding and brilliant white as far as the eye can see. Wendover is the local town and one of the strangest we have ever seen. Straddled on the border of Utah and Nevada, the line marking the state line seems unecessary as the broken down hotels change suddenly to towering casinos.
Conveniently we were in Wendover on the same day as the regional autocross races, a good insight into a cross section of American life and as it was hosted at a disused WWII air base with broken bomber planes scattered around it was a slightly surreal setting.
From Bonneville we headed north to the City of Rocks in Idaho where the litter of huge granite boulders show potential for some great climbing and provided some finger shredding bouldering. As we arrived late in the day we picked out a couple of good looking climbs for the next day. When we woke up the next day it was, yup you guessed it, snowing!
So we bugged out for Jackson and the Teton National Park. Where it was... snowing... sadly despite all that fresh snow the ski resort had closed the week before and the avalanche danger in the backcountry was way too high. Jackson is a great town though, a real 'western' cowboy town and is the only pllace we both feel strongly about coming back to one day. The Tetons are just sooo beautiful!
Today saw us visit Yellowstone National Park which despite the never ending snow (which is worryingly unseasonal) was probably one of the most amazing days we have ever spent. Geysers, including Old Faithful, moose, elk, bison and stunning landscape. Sadly we never got to see yogi or booboo, perhaps in Yosemite.
We have had a wonderful time in the high mountain areas but have had enough snow, so away we go... back to the west coast.
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