It's life jim but not as we know it!!!
We have now been in the US, more specifically California for a week and we have already come to a few conclusions... firstly nothing is real; teeth, food, body parts, lifestyle, even the buildings are like a movie set... secondly; Californians are some of the friendliest most trusting people on earth (where have all the crackheads & car jackers gone?). Third and most importantly, despite the endless strip malls, stores and concrete shopping complexes we can not, for love or money find a cheap tent with a fly! arghhh... perhaps in Nevada.
We haven't as yet seen any of the requisite 'tourist attractions' in LA but we have sure had a good dose of American culture. We have found ourselves having a pint of Guiness at 11pm in a car yard run by 3 generations of Irish immigrants, we have spent an afternoon with an ex-footballer now professional speaker who took us to the private Aston Martin room to sit in a DB9 and have heard first hand just how deeply and wide spread the economic crises is effecting everyday Americans.
We have intentions of visiting Venice Beach, Rodeo Drive et al... in the next few days but as a sanity break we have spent the last 2 days out in the country so to speak at Palm Springs - a wow of a place! Today we visited Joshua Tree National Park, surely the inspiration for Dr Seuss.
Tomorrow it is back to the city for the final sightseeing rounds so we can finally venture further afield.
Thankyou for all your emails and best wishes, they meant heaps... talk soon xox
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