Not much has happened since my last blog update i'm afraid!
Just the usual, letting the cows out, chopping the meat, feeding the goats, bumming around on the quad, and playing with izzy the cow. Jonny also had to walk the goat across the paddock which was rather funny to watch.
Done several farmer markets now - Knoxfield, Yarraville, Flemington and Mulgrave twice and have to say that Mulgrave is my favourite but I think I might be biased as the cupcakes are so good ( Baked cheesecake especially). Also the yoghurt is yummy - hope he's there this weekend as it was a miss.
This weekend we are doing Borneo and Mulgrave so heading down to Weribee in a few hours. The Dutchies are also leaving this weekend ( Anna and Paddy).
We won last week, so we took the most money at the markets but whilst we were all sleeping last saturday night someone came into the house and took all of the cash! Not good!
It was also Abagails birthday and Shairn make a apple crumble for dessert - but she put salt in instead of sugar so it wasn't good - I threw up after dinner - ewww! The girls did face painting and Jenny made Shairn look like a transvestite - pretty funny as she was supposed to be a princess of Alice in Wonderland.
Our second year visa will be completed by the 19th of August but we'll be leaving on the 23rd of August - exciting times! Jonny is sick of beef and well tbh i'm surprised I've lasted so long on a beef farm considering they eat it twice a day and I don't.
Till next time.
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