Inca Trail - Day 2
In the might we were really hot - so New Zealand better be cold or I'm going to demand my money back on my thermals! We were woken at 5am by the porters with a hot cup of Coca tea!
After our 3 course breakfast we were introduced to our porters. We went round saying our names, where were from, and what we did as an occupation or how long they'd been working on the trail. It was creat to meet them! The youngest porter was 20 (our waiter) and the oldest was 53!! They carry a maximum amount of 30kgs!!!! Most were local farmers and one had been working the trail for 15 years! Our guide, Ruben has walked the trail 592 times!!!!!
Today was the 'challenging' day. Walking 8km and up 1,200 meters and down 700 meters!!!
After another passport check we stated the incline straight away. We were all allowed to walk at our own pace today rather than In the group. We started together but gradually spread out. As I was the last yesterday I really thought I was going to be the last today too! However, Gregor (Scottish) led the way up to the top followed by Garth and I and bringing up the rear was Brianand Ruben. Brian had about 9kg on his back and he had weak knees, do was taking it slow.
It was super hard - especially at altitude. Garth stayed with me on the way up. I couldn't believe how fast the porters were walking up the hill or some tourists were carrying their whole luggage (no porters). I was also super glad id hired a walking stick! As my legs were giving up, my arms chipped in with the use of the stick! As we neared the top the shrubbery died down and it became quite grassy and rocky. One out of the jungley plants the sun was shining brightly and the clouds at our destination - 1st pass: Dead Woman's Pass (as the mountain is in the shape of a woman).
Nearing the top I was ahead of Garth as he was struggling with the altitude more than me but a last minute verbal push from our cook - Donalto (who Greg called Donald) and Gregor shouting at me from the top in his Scottish accent gave me that last boost!!
We had left camp at 7.10 and I had reached 4,200 meters by 11.20!!!
After catching our breath and taking some photos we realised how much colder and windy it was. Jackets on, we looked down with Gregors binoculars to see Grant on his way up followed by Nicky and Greg. We all shouted them on and congratulated them at the summit! Greg (who is 59, had open heart surgery AND had previously broken his heal in 6 places) did amazingly well! we were all so impressed by him!
Whilst on the top we heard a deep rumble in the sky which broke out into the LOUDEST clap of thunder I'd ever heard in my life! It sounded like it was a meter above our heads!!! Everyone at the summit screamed in surprise and awe.
That and the combination of the cold and wind led Garth and I to begin our decent. The other side of the mountain was much colder and cloud covered. I'd never seen clouds move that quickly before! The road down was steep and very uneven. The rain made the path even more slippery. Despise the beautiful flowers and never ending waterfalls we were keen to reach camp - my energy spent. We reached camp at 13.40 - I WAS THE FIRST TO ARRIVE! Which being the only girl and pretty worried about today's walk was pretty chuffed.
A porter met us at the entrance to show us to the tents when Garth slipped on a wet rock! The walking stick took most of the fall so Garth was ok - but his stick was broken - it was pretty funny!!!
Arriving at camp we got a lovely round of applause from the porters! We decided to have a quick shower while we were still warm. The showers were cold - water off the mountain. So a lot of quick breathing and a few screams later I was clean. (my screams got a few giggles from the men's block!)
One by one the rest of our group arrived! We had a silent 3 course lunch lol! The rest of the afternoon was free time but we were told not to sleep until tonight even though that's all my body wanted to do! So I took my book outside and read where the porters were chilling.
2 chapters layer Grant came out to practice his Poi. And he offered to reach me and I said yes. We can't have spent more than 20 mins doing it but we had gathered a large crowd of our group and porters! Grant was a good teacher and we had got a mini routine going before my arms died!
Every day at 6pm we had a 'happy hour' which involved popcorn and Coca tea!
After another fab 3 course dinner we were in bed by 8 - exhausted!
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