After a 4 hour bus ride (without a loo) we arrived in a very noisy La Paz. As we approached La Paz it is built in a valley (like Bath) and it was quite a site. It seemed as though the carnival celebrations had followed us from Puno. There was loud music, loads of people on the streets drinking beer, party streamers everywhere, people setting off fire crackers, foam salary and having water fights (apparently boys against girls).
We arrived at our hotel (with difficulty sue to the partying) which was one of the worst hotels (totally unclean with stains on the wall and an open sewage hole in the bathroom so it smells) but it does include breakfast so I shall enjoy breakfast for the first time away!
We all hung out in the basement for an hour (wifi and pool table) before going to a Mexican restaurant for dinner as a group. I managed to get some non spicy food and this guy came to brief the boys on their death road experience tomorrow.
We passed the witches market which was less 'dark' than I had imagined but the alpaca foetuses were pretty weird. And I couldn't believe people buy these omens and burn/bury them for good luck. Was praying down that street.
We want back to the hotel (avoiding all the drink people) and the pageant and road was sticky and covered in beer, urine and party poppers. Bolivia is not as clean as Peru.
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