A convenient and excellent port just South of the Øresundbrug famed in the 2011 TV series. This is the harbour if you want to fly from Copenhagen. About 1 mile away and the bus stops right at the harbour which like so many was mainly for fishing boats but now depends on touring yachties. The town is quaint with some narrow cobbled streets and pretty old houses painted the standard range of Baltic earth colours. Of course the village has been extended with modern buildings and provides good shopping facilites.
For those who are foolish enough to make and attempt at Danish pronunciation, Dragor comes out a bit like a lion roaring because it has a fish bone stuck in its throat, the r is rolled down the gullet, the g is silent and the middle bit rhymes with flour.
In the Summer there is a bizarre festival which we saw when we lived in Denmark. A barrel which we are led to believe contains the Devil is suspended on high from one side of the road to the other - OK so far. Participants dress in historic and slightly rediculous garb - a cross between an undertaker and a pearly King or Queen in order to ride on horseback at the barrel as fast as possible which they strike with a wooden club. This continues until the barrel disintegrates or the Devil comes out and says he is very sorry, usually the former. Either way everybody is happy and celebrates.
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