Chris was skimming the pages of a San Francisco travel guide when it suddenly dawned on him – "The wiggly road thing. We forgot to visit it!" he exclaimed. So that settled it. Wednesday was scheduled to be a day of relaxation, and a night at the Opera. Chris and Roisin were out of the hotel and heading for the cable car to take them to Lombard Street, the crookedest Street in the world.
Now, there were two cable car routes. One stopped at one end of Lombard Street and the other stopped at the bottom of Lombard Street. As the Powell-Hyde branch of the cable car ended at Fisherman's Wharf, Chris and Roisin decided to take the Powell-Mason line. This should be less busy. It only stopped 2 blocks away from Lombard Street. What they forgot to factor in was that it was 2 blocks in 2D. They arrived at Lombard Street and looked up in amazement. Certainly, it was 2 blocks…but practically vertical!!!! It was then they decided to head for the nearest deli for breakfast of bagels, scrambled egg and coffee!!!
Chris and Roisin finally scaled the 2 blocks that took them to the foot of Lombard Street – the wiggly bit. There are steps along the side of Lombard Street so Chris convinced Roisin to count them as they ascended.
Slightly out of breath, Chris looked at Roisin, “How many?” he said.
“249”, replied Roisin.
“Damn”, Chris said. “I make it 248!!”
The walk was well worth it.
Next was the cable car to China town. When Chris and Roisin were there a few days ago, they saw a good travel book for Hong Kong and Macau in a certain bookstore. On entering the store, the assistant didn’t know to which book they referred. It wasn’t until they both left the store and then it dawned on them that this wasn’t the store after all (see photo!!)
The afternoon was spent relaxing in the hotel until 4pm – then it was time!!
Before this day, Chris thought a manicure was a Jewish remedy!!!! He wants it on record that it was a MAN-I-cure. Not a Lady-i-cure. Manicure! Nothing wrong with that?
Chris and Roisin visited the San Francisco Opera House in the evening to see a rendition of the Marriage of Figaro. Basically, this Mozart Opera is about this bloke…. well you get the picture!!! This opera was written and composed by an Austrian, set in Spain and sung in Italian. No wonder Salieri despised Mozart. No one likes a smart arse!!!
Back to the manicure. The nail technician had only seen one opera but found it difficult to understand what was going on. Chris explained that it’s like baseball or American football. Once you understand the rules, it’s easier to follow!!
This is Chris and Roisin’s last full day in San Fran. On Wednesday 23rd September they will be checking out of the Huntington and checking in to the Sapphire Princess.
The good news it that until Chris and Roisin know the score regarding connectivity on board, blog entries may become fewer. The even better news is that when blog entries are finally published, there will be more to cover so they’ll be twice as long!!
What one word could be used to describe San Francisco? Hilly?? Nah, Ainsdale is hilly!!! This takes hills to a new level. Chris and Roisin did manage to find a flat bit but this was pure luck! Vibrant, most definitely. Friendly and laid back, certainly. Once you get over the shock of the steep streets, getting around is easy and everyone seems to be there to make your stay that much more special. Fisherman’s Wharf has been compared to Blackpool and Southend with sun. But hey, everyone likes a day out at the seaside!!!
- comments
Mrs T (Claire) Hi Guys.San Fran looks amazing. You'll have buns of steel after all those hills.Can't believe the the 1st bit of your journey is done and you're onto the next leg already. Looking forward to hearing about the the Sapphire Princess ASAP!.We're all totally addicted to your blog in work, Elaine has shown me how to view the the ship web cam, so all thought of work has gone out of the window and the IG has gone to pot!!
London Swede and when you imagine it said with a certain North Western accent...Perfect!