Those of you who know San Francisco will appreciate the title pun!!
Sun shining 2 days on the run. Something's not right. It was a glorious day as Roisin and Chris headed for their breakfast at 8am. It was going to be a long one. The breakfast hall in the travel lodge was in full swing with French tourists and German businessmen pushing their way to the front of the scrambled egg and black pudding counter and kids running around appearing from god knows where and disappearing just as fast.
Chris and Roisin took the shuttle bus back to T5 before transferring to the Heathrow express train to Central T1, T2 and the one they wanted…T3. Check in and security was a doddle. No security questions asked which was a shame because Chris had plucked up enough courage when asked: 'Did you pack your bags yourself sir?’ He was going to reply, ‘No, some bloke with a dodgy Eastern European accent barged in to my bed room a few days ago and asked if he could pack my bag for me!!’ Unfortunately (and for the sake of the success of the holiday) this opportunity never arose!!
The flight across to San Francisco was courtesy of a 747 and was carrying a full load of 325 passengers. Flight time was scheduled at 10h 35mins. However, the take-off was delayed for 1 hour. Roisin wished that Captain O’Connor had kept the fact that the delay was due to hydraulics trouble to himself. This only added to her anxiety. Chris did not have the heart to tell Roisin that the problem seemed to have been fixed by some old bloke with an oilcan on the wing dabbing the hinges on the flaps!!!
The entertainment system on board was truly amazing. 50 films to chose from and they were all on demand. In flight entertainment has come a long way since Chris’s first flight to the States (no, not piloted by the Wright Bros!!) in 1980. There was 1 screen at the front of the aircraft and I film, throughout the flight; Battlestar Galactica on the way out and Little Miss Marker starring the immortal Walter Matthau on the return. Ah, the golden age of cinema!!
Anyhoo, lunch, to Roisin’s surprise, was very palatable. It was a choice between sweet n’sour chicken or bangers n’mash. BANGERS N’MASH?? I didn’t realise Brewers Fayre had taken over the Virgin Atlantic contract!!
10 hours+ is a long time sitting down by anyone’s standards so after lunch Roisin decided to go for a walk. It was the way she said it so nonchalant as if she was taking a stroll down the shops or to the park!! At 35,000 ft?? As it turns out she went missing for 40 minutes only to return to tell Chris she walked up one aisle then back down the other before stopping to chat to a woman with a baby on the corner by the aft toilets!!! Ok, so it can be done at altitude!!
The flight path took Chris and Roisin NW toward Iceland and across Greenland before crossing the Labrador Sea and passing down through Canada turning left at Saskatchewan. The plane then soared over the Rockies (a bit of turbulence there!!) then straight down to San Francisco. Mind you, that’s not the way I would have gone if I had my SatNav!!!
Immigration was it’s usual thorough and efficient self. Within 25 minutes of landing, Chris and Roisin were waiting to collect their cases. Even with Roisin’s new passport and quick finger print and mug shot and Bob’s your uncle (or their immigration official’s name in this case!!!)
The strangest sight of this journey must be the couple who had both their suitcases completely wrapped in cling film. I kid you not…answers on a postcard (or probably best to leave a comment!!)
The BART was the next obstacle to overcome. The Bay Area Rapid Transit is the train that will take you in to the heart of San Francisco (I’m sure there is a song there, somewhere!!) The tickets for the BART required a different level of intelligence altogether. These ticket machines made the krypton factor look like the wheel of fortune!! Firstly there was no price for the ticket displayed. Secondly you had to put the money in first before selecting a service. Thirdly the machine didn’t take $20 notes and lastly there were buttons for +/- $1 and +/- 5 cents. The solution, Chris finally worked out after several false starts was as follows: 1) Change the $20 bill for 2 $10 bills in the change machine. 2) Insert $10 3) press the -$1 button (twice) 4) press the +5 cents button (twice). Answer = 1 ticket valued at £8.10. Repeat process for each passenger. How complicated is that?? And after a 10-hour flight as well.
Chris and Roisin floundered a bit after alighting a Powell Street, as taxis weren’t a plenty. Finally after 17 hours they arrived in their hotel room. Fan-bloody-tastic!!! The bathroom is as big as their down stairs at home. Chris entered the Bathroom at approximately 17:23. He didn’t reach the toilet until 3 minutes later!!! There is a his 'n’hers wash basin and a his 'n’his telly!!
After a quick freshen up the plan was to get a bite to eat, go for as short stroll and then back to the hotel to crash out.
There were 5 people sitting on the bar stools with their backs to the entrance as Chris and Rosin entered the hotel bar. They felt like they’d walked in to an episode from Cheers!! Roisin had truffle and parmesan fries with iced tea whilst Chris had Scottish smoked salmon on rye with some olive-gurkiny type things that he later learned was caper berries. Different!! (still tasted like something between an olive and a gurkin to Chris!!)
The walk was very brief because the hotel was in a district called Nob Hill. As this name suggests (no – the second part of the name!!) It’s a hill. We’re not talking Breeze Hill or even Hatton Hill here. These are serious hills. Once around the block was enough for the concierge to reach for the oxygen mask on seeing both Chris and Roisin’s faces after returning. ‘It’s been a long day’, Chris said. (That excuse won’t last forever!!)
- comments
Maxine Hi glad you made it safely and soundly. Love San Francisco your gonna hv a fab time. And er Chris.. Think camp 1 is in an area called castro's!! :-). Have fun in san fran that is not castros although u never know :-) Oh and you'll probably appreciate the fact it's torrential rain here today. X x.
Jane P-H I'm glad it's not only me that takes photo's of loos when on holiday :)
Danny Nice one mate, but keep it simple some of us are dyslexic your killing me here haha x