Went off to a snorkling trip at 9 AM to see the turtles etc. And damn that I was scared, really. At the quite open sea, snorkling, even though the boat was following us near by and the instructor was with us, of course. Well, it ended up that the instructor held my hand and took me to see the turtles at the second spot. But with him, I made it! Snorkled quite a long at the time and finally I saw 2 turtles. :)
It was hard to climb back to the boat from the sea, since the rear was quite high. At the 3rd spot I was too scared 'cause there were already too big waves for me to handle, so I couldn't go there anymore. :-/ Which is pretty s***, 'cause I would've wanted to.. Sometimes fear is a little piece of s*** of a thing, really. :( So for me it wasn't so much worth the money I paid, but I think I already overed myself and conquered at least a little bit of my fear. So if there's gonna be a next time, maybe I'm better then. We were back already quite early, so the whole day was still ahead. Then we still went for a swim at the shore near by our villa, but nothing special there now. At the evening we went for a dinner at Ya Ya warung again, food was good. And after that, for coipla drinks atvthe Rut bar, hanging at one beruga in the dark. On the beruga next to us, there were a group of Germans with coupla local guys. They asked if we'd join them, but since they were smoking pot ("surprise, surprise!" ;), and the day had already been quite stresful for me in the morning and so, wasn't really feeling social at all, so we said no. Then they spoke smth of us in german, like "they are in final already, etc". I then spoke some similar things back to Niina in german ;D Dunno did they hear that, but when we were leaving, I just said to them: "Gute Nacht fur die Alle un habt ein Tolles Reise!". Whichbwas thennwhen they realized that I had understood everything what they've said, and that I too could speak German LOL :D .. Boy, were their expressions embarrassed ;D Was worth it ;))
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