Hey all, It's a sad moment, as this is the final blog and we are flying home tomorrrow!! Nooooooooooooo!!! Cant believe the time has actually come, but looking forward to seeing you all and sleeping in our own beds!!
We will fill you in our final week of travels in Malaysia, finally left the very beautiful Phi Phi and headed to Langkawi. We arrived to witness a stunning sunset on the beach and enjoyed some delicious food in the chill out restuarant, was paradise!! The next day was spent soaking up some sun on the spectacular beach, working on our sun tans! Soph is still white tho, maybe has something to do with applying factor 50 lotion like a lunatic!
We stayed in one of the most random hostels of our trip called 'Daddy's place' it was messed up!! it looked like a children's nursery with toys, mobiles and cartoons on the wall but then had pictures of kurt cobain, pub signs and then a religious shrine in the centre! It also had a squat toilet, we have learnt from our mistakes-u get what u pay for when it comes to accommodation!
The following day was spent getting a spectacular cable car around the island , the views were amazing. We randomly bumped into some people we had met in Daddy's place and ended up hitching a ride with them around the rest of the island. We were both crammed in the boot of their car!! was well worth it tho because we went to the severn waterfalls, was awesome there. We got to slide down the waterfalls like mini water flumes and relax in pools admiring the sights. We also went to a desserted beach, was beautiful. We topped off a fantastic day with cocktails enjoying another sunset.... pure paradise. Langkawi ended up being one of our favourite places of our trip. We also got to experience Malaysian nightlife and went to a very cheesy nightclub called Enigma (nothing like the one back at gem's home). Living up to our reputation of brits behaving badly abroad we took over the dance floor and partied till the early hours!! lots of TUUUNEESSS!!
We got a ferry to Penang and stopped over here (bad move). Stayed in a horrible backpackers that was dirty and infested with bed bugs!! we woke up after a few hours of sleep (the band played till about 4AM) to be covered in bed bug bites, even on our faces!! We moved swifty on to Kuala Lumpur. In KL we got up bright and early to get tickets to walk across the bridge between the twin towers, the views here were amazing. We also saw the towers at night- such a striking sight. Fantastic to be so close. In KL we also did some shopping, shopper's paradise here, but not for us because we have drained our cash! Although we did encouter good old british stores like Topshop for the 1st time in awhile!! We went to the KL gardens and got some cheap dvd's and perfume from the chinatown markets.
In KL we went to a waterpark, we have never felt so naked in all our lives!!! we were in our itsy bitsy bikini's whilst the locals were head to toe in clothes!! we got some strange looks and locals wanted to take our photo, we felt like celebs! lol
From KL we got a very cheap 8 hour train to Singapore and they even played dvd's, what luxury! Our time in Singapore has been spent visting Sentosa, a little touristy island and enjoying the attractions like a 4D show, luging, strolling on the beach and then having a delicious dinner in little India- another fascinating place.
We plan to spend our last day (and Soph's birthday)going to Clarke Quay, China town and generally soaking up the sights of Singapore. Its a really clean, well organised city, we like!! civilisation at last!! The locals are lovely, really friendly and helpful, they always want to stop for a chat mainly about english footy!!
So after nearly a year of travelling the world we finally have to go home!! This day has actually come!! Don't know how we are going to get our heads around it being xmas and minus temperatures!!
We'll see you all very soon,
Gem and Soph x x x x
P.S Gem and Soph's final thought (Jerry Springer style):
'Try everything possible, see as much as possible, talk to as many randoms as possible and put off getting a real job for as long as possible!! Take care of yourself and each other'.
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