Only just had time to update my blog about Byron bay sorry guys been crazy crazy busy and not using the Internet 24 7 is quite nice plus I can't afford wifi! Spent 7 days in Byron bay and I bladdyyy loved it! Literally did not want to leave! It felt like a holiday more than anything the town is so so chilled out pretty hippie and alternative so you can imagine the eye candy! I spent my days chilling on the beach or a hammock and every night out. it really is a hard life aye! So yeh I'm not going to lie my week is one big murge of a hangover, sand constantly every where, too much goon and too many wrist bands and stamps my arm is one big inky stamp mess! They love em' over here. My hostel didnt really feel like a hostel and the people here are so laid back. Everyone is the stereotypical surfer chilled and just loves life and eats bbqs! The back garden too was literally the beach and you'd have to cross an old rail way line to get there! every morning at 6 am I'd get woken up to squawking parrots the noise is insane. Nights out generally consisted of mass ring of fire and beer pong which I officially suck at (so far I suck at most things) ha and no to you guys that are clearly thinking something else now.. Yes jade you haha I don't mean any innuendos there! Went to cheeky monkey which they don't have a dance floor just tables which you can imagine is dangerous for clumsy ole sutts over here! And woodys surf shack and a million other clubs and bars ill never remember! Even went to jelly wrestling much to all your disappointment I'm sure I didn't participate as you can imagine it was guys just drooling over girls wrestling in jelly in bikinis ha was pretty interesting to say zeeee least! On the second day we did a tour of nimbin which is such a hippie town and like the Amsterdam of aus! The locals are actually crazy there was a man just chilling on the side of the road wearing a massive Indian headress ha and they all talk like the turtles of finding nemo! But you'd literally get swapped with people offering you 'cookies' and mushrooms and stuff on the street! This one women had a fake art gallery and selling postcards which was actually just weed ha because it's still illegal there! Afterwards I had my first Aussie BBQ and went to visit a massive waterfall the landscape here is insane and a lot greener than you'd imagine!
Another adventure was walking up to the lighthouse which takes a good 2 or more hours to do! So on the last afternoon I'd literally gone so chilled I'd lost brain cells that I turned to my friend Stacey and said crap we haven't done the walk! So in classic sutts style we decide at half 6 in the evening it was a good idea to go do it! Oh my god for any of you that ever say steep hill in Lincoln is steep you have no idea this thing was all massive steps up hill, the sweat coming out of me was insane (I realise I talk about sweating too much) we finally got to the most easterly point in Australia which is just cliffs and there was just this goat right on the edge just nibbling grass, chilling not even bothered it was probably gonna fall off and be goat breakfast to a shark probably! By this point the sun had set and there was no lights and we were in the part they call the costal rainforest every bloody noise I'd here me and Stacey would crap our selves so after what seemed like hours through the rainforest and then back along the beach I realised I didn't actually know where the hell we were! I have no navigation and neither does Stacey so it's like the blind leading the even blinder! We end up in some woodland walking in the dark and we both hugging each other and like screaming every time we here something move! The grass was right up to my ankles and all I kept thinking was holy crap I'm going to get bit by a snake or spider in here and die! Eventually we found a road and realised we'd walked half an hour past our hostel, got back at nine just in time for pre drinks so all was good In the hood.. Standard
The people I've met here have been actually amazing I'm so sad to say good bye but you just know there gunna be people you remember for ever! This one guy lane from Canada was actually hilarious! So crazy he had some amazing stories about hitchhiking around New Zealand, even thinking he was gunna get murdered at one point! It's because of him I now annoyingly say 'I know righhhhhht' in a Canadian accent!
The morning we left was interesting at that I woke up said to gethin where the hells Stacey as she hadnt come back the little cheeky monkey had only gone
And pulled so at 8 when we were meant to leave and still no sign I'm thinking omg do I go without her what so I do?! Quarter past she rocks up taking walk of shame to the new level more like the run of shame we than ran through town with our back packs.. More sweat followed and got the bus by the skin of our teeth! I'm now in surfers paradise until Wednesday this place is like the hangover 3! So if I survive ill upload another blog before hopping off to Fiji. Such a terrible life, I here it's been snowing to guys?! Not to rub it in but I've been sunbathing from 9 in the morning till 4! I am determined to be black time I get back! Anyway that's me over and out adiossss xxxxxx
- comments
MD An amazing blog G... You give a really good feel for Aus and your adventures. Amazing to do face time toooo.. What luck we were here to pick it it. You should def take up writing articles as a profession.. You're damn good at it! Much love MD x
MD Still haven't got into rating your blog properly... Derrrrrr me
Phil. Fantastic stuff G! Love reading all about your adventures! Write again soon. Love Phil. Xxxx
Jade Oh Gracie sounds like you are having an amazing time! Loving the blogs, they make me laugh so much :) xxxx
Nanny Sue Now you know why the "parrots" are called "flaming" Galahs! Your hangovers can't be that bad, can still remember!! Gracie and Stacey sounds like a "sitcom"- with your writing talents you could sell your exploits to the T.V. Enjoy and travel safe. luv ya.