So far we have had a tropical downpour every afternoon about 3pm. Downpour doesn't really cover it since the rain comes at you from every direction including up. Yesterday we were on the top deck of the open topped tour bus when we detected a couple of drops of rain. Ten seconds later four firemen were hoseing us down. We retreated smartly to the back of the bus where there was a tarpaulin cover. Everyone else retreated downstairs. We thought we would sit it out until it passed - we thought we couldn't get any wetter. The bus accelerated and a tsnunami swept to the back of the bus. When the water reached our knees we decided that discretion was the better part of valour and made a dash for the stairs at the front. The driver slowed down and the tide turned. The torrent caught up with us at the top of the stairs and we were swept into the lower deck in a massive waterfall. To their credit none of the other passengers laughed out loud, however, we now know what an inscrutible smile is. We had to go round the circuit until we were dry enough to take a taxi home.
Chinatown is getting ready for Chinese New Year and there is quite a buzz about the place as the gaudy decorations and artificial flowers are put up everywhere. The picture shows Chinatown after a shower.
Check out the photo album for pictutes of some of Singapore's iconic buildings and sights taken from the 'Flyer' (London Eye on steroids) and from the river where we took a bumboat cruise.
Temperature 33C, Mosy bites 0, Ailments 0.
- comments
Margaret Ha ha ha - I would have laughed out loud!!