I've reached the top of Africa having now ridden top to bottom through two continents. Why ? you may ask, as a lot of people do. All I can say is 'Why bloody not ? It has felt like the most 'natural' thing I have done in my adult life as opposed to getting stressed running a business which rarely felt like 'The' reason to be here.
The ride up from Kenya to Ethiopia was a slog through volatile country where breaking down was not a good idea…..long story , tell you later. Ethiopia was green and beautiful and not solely desperate people and famine. Unfortunately throwing rocks at motorcyclists is the national sport which I endured for the first few days before 'losing it' and chasing one of the little b**strds into his garden only to be chased out again by whom I assume were his older and much larger brothers…!!
Sudan was an absolute pleasure to travel through if only for the people. At the risk of stereo typing I would say they are the most genuine people I have met so far. Just a very relaxed and honest interest in people visiting their country, lovely, lovely people.
Unfortunately getting 'arrested' and detained for questioning by the Secret Police marred the experience somewhat, even though copious amounts of mint tea was served throughout the proceedings. I was finally released with an apology and more mint tea.
Egypt was further education in insane driving. It would appear to be rude to turn your lights on at night, and if your dog needs a walk just drive slowly in the fast lane of a dual carriage way and hang your dog and lead out the window while your dog trots along the central reservation….!!!! (Honestly.. see photo) .
Again at risk of stereo typing many Egyptians that I met were only interested in helping if some coins passed their way. I was short changed and over charged more times on the first day in Egypt than I was in one whole year of being in Africa !!!! but was I angry? ….yes I damn well was.
I also experienced my first, and hopefully last, earthquake which hit the hotel while I wobbled around on the 6th floor I have always naively thought it would be quite fun but I definitely wouldn't recommend it.
Mount Sinai … Biblical area , The Burning Bush , fire extinguisher close by (Seriously… see photo).
I'm now in Israel after having ridden through some incredible places, had some weird and wonderful experiences and met some very weird and very wonderful people .
I'll soon be heading to Haifa to put my bike and myself on a boat to Italy where I'll meet up with the lovely Ellie and friends that I met way back in Mexico. I'll then be dropping in to England to give my family and friends a big hug and get my washing done before continuing my sojourn with my Bro.
- comments
Susan Wow Mark... I lost track for a while where you were, but I can't believe the experiences you must have had. I mean i think that South America is pretty much a walk in the park it seems! Where's next then after Italy? 3rd continent on the list???
Paul Farmer Where are you now? Back in England? Would love to catch up if so! Paul & Katrina