Well - its been another fair while since i sat down and wrote anything here! I am struggling a bit at the moment. I am thinking a lot about everyone i love back in the UK, but i dont want to go back! I havent been in touch as much over the last 2 months and i really hope so much that no one thinks i have forgotten about them - it is on my mind a lot. I am till happy here - and have no reason not to be - this morning i went for a run just after the sun had come up - it is the first day of spring and it is beautiful, the flowers are blooming and i was running round the coast road (again - i so love it by the water) and the water was all sparkly in the sun. Just beautiful. It was Tash's birthday at the weekend, we went out for dinner with some friends of J and Tash's on Saturday night - J had told tash we were (just the 3 of us!) going to a little french restaurant just round the corner form where we live - then he surprised her. There is a fairly posh restaurantat the end of the main road near our apartment - Logan Brown. It was also 2 of our friends birthdays through the week aswell - Te (who is married to Ma) and Gaz (who is marrie to Kim) so J had arranged with Kim and Ma that we would all meet at Logan Brown and surprise the birthday guys!! On friday evening one of tash's friends - Mo- had called up toseewhat tash was up tofor her birthday - Tash said that just the3 of usweregoing out for diner and a quiet night - so invited Mo along too. That was cool but it gave J the problem of getting hold of Mo tolethim know that we wouldnt actually be at the place where Tash had said to meet !!! (gosh is this getting confusing!!!???). Lucky - J got to speak to Mo and arranged for him to come meet us for drinks after dinner. It wasa really nice night, and all worked out in the end. The food was amazing - but it was posh food - where you only get a little bit in the middle of the plate!!! So tasty though. The birthday people got specil desserts with happy birthday written in chocolate around the edge of the plates!!! Wewent out for a few drinks afterwards! I have become a bigger lightweight than ever before!! I was fresh after one glass of plonk!! haha!! Thankfully i didnt feel rough the next day - as i was working! Great weekend. I feel excited about the summer - the weather is graduallygetting better and better. I still think of everyone lotsand lotsand love them very muchxx
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