Videos has been a little while since i wrote in here. That makes me feel a little sad. But the my first 6 weeks in New Zealand are rolling into my 7th. Things are good - things are really good!! I have been working quite a lot and will be over the next 8 weeks. I am coaching diving with my favourite big brother; James; which is great and i have taken on a job with Wellington City Couincil as an 'aquatic education instructor'. I am now teaching swimming to school children and also teaching the after schools lessons aswell! The aquatic program run by the council covers all aspects of water activities - Kayaing, surfing, flippaball (mini water polo) and water safety are all offered at a recreational level. I am also 'in training' at the moment to learn to teach all of the above! The program also offers diving so i am involved there too! Really enjoying the job and it is working in the same pool where the diving club train so it easy for me to get from one job to the other! It sometimes feels like groundhog day as i am at the pool everyday at the moment. Next teaching term though i will have days off!! Its been really special for me over the last 7 weeks to catch up with my brother and to finally meet his lovely girlfriend - Tash; and also all of their friends. I feel so welcome and just....happy happy!
Last week i started Spanish lessons at night school - tonight will be my second lesson. I am absolutely loving studying and learning again and glad i finally got started learning a new language. Tuesday nights here are awesoem for us too - started going boxing training with James - the first time i went we got tash to come too - she loved it! Tash then encouraged her friend Amey to come too - she also loves it!! James and me work tuesday evening, but i finish earlier; so Amey picks me up on her way, James meets us there a bit later and Tash Scooters over straight from work! Then we all take it in turns to cook a mean feed for when we get home and Amey comes to ours for dinner - its nice. last night was my turn to cook - lamb and sweet potatoe curry (from scratch) oh yes! Training is hard out; Neru - the boxing coach pushes and pushes until there is nothing left!!! About 3 weeks ago James and me had the tuesday off work so we were at home before we went boxing, i went into my room to get changed and ready to go and what di i find on my bed........ a package with pink ribbons and a note on top - it read ....'to Nat, with love from J and Tash...' When i opened it and had a look - they had bought me a brand new pair of Pink Fuji Mae 10oz boxing gloves!!! Oh wow! I couldn't believe it! There was hugs all round!! haha! I was totally speechless. That night at boxing training i was sure to show everyone my new gloves and they really stood out because all the boys wear black or red gloves and all the hire gloves are red! Yes - the pink gloves rock - they're mean!! I am so happy here and still having a really special time with my brother - missing everyone in england too - hope they dont thinki'll forget them...
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