Hey guys!
I'm now on a bus heading towards Palenque Mexico. They are playing a movie in Spanish on little tv screens overhead. It's going to be an 8 hr ride! I haven't done such a long trip by bus since the old days of going back and forth from Sudbury to Ottawa. So yeah... it's been nearly a decade.
Yesterday, we had a 'free day' meaning that we were free to either do nothing or go on a planned tour of some sort. The choices were basically either to go see more Mayan ruins or to check out the famous canotes, which are basically natural sink holes that have been filled in with (I'm this case) a beautiful blue aqua colored water.
You know.. it's weird but Mayan ruins are a little bit like porn movies. After you've seen one they all start to look the same. Therefore, we all agreed to check-out the canotes! I'm glad I did because they were spectacular! We saw 3 different canotes, all of which had platforms to jump from. In my opinion there's only one way to get into the water... and that to jump!! :D
I jumped at all 3 locations but I only got the last two on video. Here's the link for those:
One other interesting to note about our trip to the canotes is the way way we got to them. The locals have set up an elaborate track system and built little trollies that they attach to their horse. For a small fee (dunno how much cuz I didn't pay) they take you to each location. Here's a horrible video of that. It wasn't easy to capture it from where I was sitting. I'll also upload some pics as soon as I can :)
Once again I want to explain that the pictures aren't going up as fast I would like. The Internet is as slow as molasses! I feel like its 1989 sometimes! lol but no, I'm in Central America. The land where they have crappy Internet service almost everywhere... bars, restaurants, boats, buses, parks... everywhere! It's just always ultra slow. They do advertise High Speed here and there but always for a price, which I'm not going to pay. You guys will just have to be patient.
Alright folks. Gonna take a nap. Hopefully I can get some sleep and hopefully go out tonight. ;)
Adios Amigos!
- comments
Julie Levesque you know.. the Mayans used to sacrifice people in those sink holes. lots and lots of people. :P It does look amazing :)
Mom These sink holes are beautiful! It must have been fun to jump in them. I can't wait to see the rest of your pics.
Michaud Love the video's, more of those pls!
Mike lol Julie! No they didn't. Not in these cenotes .. But there is a sink hole at chichen Itza (there's a picture of it under my photos section for Chichen Itza) where they actually did sacrifice people and other things. They learned a lot about their culture because of it... but not where I went swimming :) lol
Mom Videos are finally up! I like the trolley ride :)
Nina Oh I love videos and I love how you held your nose before hitting the water... LOVE IT! :)