31/12/2017 another summer storm rolling in this afternoon a welcome relief after a very hot day. Unfortunately rain is forecast for the New Years Eve fireworks. We shall be having a quiet drink at home for new year. Shall toast absent friends! Ken had his 80th earlier this month, a lovely lunch with a few rels and friends. Kate flew up which was lovely for Ken. Natalie and kids were here but Sam and family couldn't make it. Hope they will visit in Jan. We are 4 years into Ken's dementia and the cognitive decline is very noticeable. Have set up some home help and he enjoys respite day care with Dementia Aust. Have met some lovely people in the aged care sector without whom this journey would be so much harder especially not having family around. Have had some home improvements done and I really enjoy our small garden. Good on you both for having this grand adventure and we wish you and family all the very best for 2018. Keep well and keep on blogging. Love Vivien and Ken
Great to hear you are settling in well.We hope you have a great experience and we wish you both a very merry Christmas and the new year is full of adventure. Bev and Keith
Kath Brown
Thought the horse was cute with the turned up ears.
Have read your messages and seen the photos sounds and looks like you are getting settled in. Kath and Keith xx
Glenda Stripling
Great to see you caught up with us. Have just put another one together with some photos. You need to go into the photo area. I've G and N
Kath And Keith
Seems like you are settled in now so you can enjoy your stay.
Your blog was interesting reading
Makes our life seem a bit boring
Take care and enjoy Love Kath and Keith x