Whats up everybody?!
Hope y'all are doing good!
The photo on this thing is the lake thats about 2 minutes down the hill from lake louise itself! i actually think it looks nicer than lake louise, but havent actually seen it in "person" yet. The road that leads to it is closed!
So... whats been happening around here....
Work is good! We had a new guy called Matt start this week! I think he'll fit in well... he's just as nuts as the rest of us and has waaaaaay to much energy! But he's cool. So all is good!
Stevie has been told she can now massage at the Lake Louise Inn. She is sorting the massage room on Friday i believe! This is good news!!
Next thing is to buy a car of some sort. We are heading into Calgary in the next couple of weeks with some friends to look at and maybe buy a car. Should be pretty good out ehre once we have our own transport! Its costing an arm and a leg in taxi fares for me to get down to the village to see Stevie! The car will be useful when we decide to road trip it across Canada and back through The States! Definately an investment worth while!!
Today was the most amazing day on the slopes I have ever had! The weather was perfect... Almost like Spring! so warm!!! I think Stevie took some pics, which im sure will be up sometime soon!
Just literally walked in from a hockey game... Which we lost... again! This game was probably the best we've played in a long time, which was good fun! We played a team that were just slightly better than us, so the score wasn't too embarrassing!! Pretty tired and beat up now, but thats what happens when u throw urself around an ice rink and fight for a little frozen rubber disk!! Oh What fun!!!
I kinda got told off (by Stevie) for not writing much on here! So i hope this is sufficient for now! But my excuse is that its been hard for me to get online... which it has!!
Anyway... before i carry on chatting total rubbish... im gonna leave you all in peace!!
Missing all of you loads and looking forward tot he family visits coming up soon!!
Much love!
Lordy xxxxx (or to those of you who know me as Rich...... Rich)
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