Mission Beach 17th Jan to 19th Jan
As we departed Cairns we embarked on the first leg of our journey down the East coast. The transport we had chosen was the well known Greyhound Bus Service that operated throughout Australia and we found the different passes available were perfect for our needs. we choose a 3000km pass for $900 between us it was by far the cheapest and most convenient way to travel, along with the extra 450km chucked in. The bus journey down was very relaxed and tired after the antics of the pervy Korean from the night before we dozed while watching the classic men in black on the screen at the front. After a 2 hour journey we arrived at Mission Beach and were greeted by three custom made salesmen offering cheap hostels, and with only three hostels along mission beach the choice was limited although one ran out a clear winner offering $21 each for the night. A very easy way to settle a hotly contested sale.The next two days were very subdued in the hostel, although we did meet a fair few people which helped pass time. As the sea was a 'no go area' due to the stingers we were limited in what we could do, so the days were spent messing around by the pool and the evenings cooking and socializing with the other back packers. As we were in Mission Beach we felt it would be rude if we did not visit Mission Beach itself so in the blazing hot sun we wandered out of Scotty's Guest House and down on to the beach. Instantly it felt like a deserted island, not a sole on the beach other than ourselves. We strolled down towards lover's cove while attacking the sand with artistic writing before setting down for an hours rest. Unfortunately, with the sea out of the question, we had to head back towards Scotty's just to cool off as our pours were emptying with sweat. As the evening drew in the heavens opened, however this seemed like a calling as everyone charged into the pool while the rain battered down, causing the grass to flood and the gutters to overflow. Come the end of the night, and with many of us leaving first thing, we headed for bed ready for the next journey down to Magnetic Island.
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