Magnetic Island 19th Jan to 21st Jan
This was a place we were unsure about visiting. It had been something we had considered but after hearing mixed reviews were not sure. But after picking up a so called 'steal deal' in Cairns for $89 our minds were made up. We arrived via Greyhound at Townsville Port where we were met by the ferry connecting that to Magnetic Island. The journey across can only be described as insane as the swell in the sea meant that many felt sick by the time we arrived on the island, also wet as well from the rough seas. After docking we jumped on a bus which dropped us at our hostel known as 'Base' where we entered into our smallest dorm room yet. The place was a backpacker haven, everyone on steal deals and with a built in food court and bar it was clear why it was so popular. As we arrived in the afternoon there was little we could do by way of activities so after heading to the supermarket we sat and enjoyed the last of the day's sun by the pool. Come evening the place started to show its faults, a hostel that held the best part of 150 people had a kitchen fit for a tenth of that. There were 6 pans in total and 12 hobs of which, 7 worked, so as you can imagine cooking was a bit of a challenge particularly as doing it yourself is the main way people save money travelling. After wrestling for a pan, kicking ass for a knife, dinner was eventually prepared and enjoyed as much for the effort that was put in as the food itself. The rest of the night was chilling time, one drink in the bar and emails checked we crashed and enjoyed Anchorman, or I did before drifting off for the night.
The next day started with a free full English minus the sausages and a decision to try and discover the whole island. After we had travelled with a girl called Noelle from Germany we met up again and went on the hunt for some transport around the island. My idea of mountain bikes was soon chucked out and the girls got their way with a moke. Now I'm guessing not many people will know what that it, I don't know if it is more crazy Aussie slang for a small car but that is pretty much what it is. Luckily Cinderella, a bright pink moke, was broken so we ended up with a blue Scooby Doo, "woo hoo". So after parting with $50 we hit the road, me being 'Des' I put pedal to the metal and Magnetic Island was uncovered. After smashing into a lake flooded road and taking many a wrong turn with Steve Nav we found numerous bays, all with different charms. We spent much of the day exploring the different aspects of the Island, driving, walking and crawling we did the lot. Although we failed to see the famous Kuala Bear we did manage to see a whole array of birds and other species. As evening drew near we dropped the car back off and indulged in more beers, goon and cards along with some more kitchen carnage.
As morning arrived we departed. We were on the way to Airlie Beach, a six hour bus ride that would lead us to the gateway of the Whit Sunday's, Paradise.
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