Beep Beep Bop Bo..I dunno, I felt like being a Robot.Well! After a good weekend with lots of self reflection I have begun to feel better about the "situation". At the time it seemed everyone wanted questions answered, papers signed, and solutions created. For me, I needed peace, alone time, and time to process where I want to go and how I will achieve all that. I was able to have my little OCD moments and organize my stuff, do laundry, and clean up what i could. Sometimes I find that the most people can do for me when Im stressed out is leave me alone and let me come to them. It allows me to clear my mind and rationally process everything. Thankfully, Saturday was my day to do this. It's been great staying with "Auntie" Mehta. She's got a great home and for the most part it's quiet. I like that every mroning I'm able to read the India Times and find out what's going on in India and the US. I'll tell you about some of the things that have shocked me reading the paper:First- Valentine's Day Protests? Seriously? I mean I get that it's a Pagan holiday but blacken people's faces and force couples to get married because they're sitting together in the park? I think that's a little extreme. Second- School shooting in Illinois! Yikes! I was shocked when I read it.Third- Did you know that Indians can't fly/show/or post their national flag unless it's republic day or independence day? Apparently this woman who was watching a cricket/football (i can't remember) match accidentally put her feet up on a coffee table where an Indian flag was laying. A picture was taken of her doing that and now a lawyer has pressed charges against her for something along the lines of derespect to the nation. The whole article was about the difference in national flag tolerance between the US and India. The article claimed that India should become more like the US.Fourth- India is really into following US politics, specifically the Democrats. It's funny because I've only seen a few articles on republicans, all basically saying that McCain will win the nod. However, everyday there's a new article about Hillary or Obama and who won what state and who they think is going to win. Most Indians that I've spoken with want the Democrats to win and agree that the US shouldn't have another "Bush". They seem to really like Hillary too, I guess she's done a lot of relief work in India. Fifth- The paper has taught me where NOT to travel in India. Let's see.. Parks on Valentines day, Orissa (13 cops were shot dead yesterday), Kashmir/Pakistani border (terror zone- yikes!), train stations, public schools and other places where young girls get raped and killed. Awesome. Oh yeah, did I forget to mention that in Delhi a guy tried to put his arm on me (and my leg) and started asking Rachel and I where we were staying, if we were alone, and what we were doing for the night? Yeah, thanks Delhi for living up to your reputation!Well, that's the news for now. I'll be in Dehra dun for the week. So we'll see where things will go. Things are looking up! Miss you all! stephOh, Amanda- you won't believe how difficult it is to find a freakin postcard here!
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