This is a direect excerpt from my journal last night. " I tried to be social. I really did. No luck. Too liberal. The bartender is a douchebag. He fancies Jessie, but nevermind that. He's outside at the bbq away from his post and a guy says, "There's a woman inside who wants a coke." The guy mentions she's wearing glasses. The bartender looks in the window then says, "she's married to a black guy. I should give her nothing" and takes a drag of his cigarette. I was more disgusted by a human than I have been in a long time, maybe ever. Not wanting to be involved but also realizing my tongue was tied in the present company, I immediately picked up my stuff and told Jessie to get me when dinner was ready. As if I wasn't already convinced that he and others were still majorly discriminating against others, this seals the deal for me about socializing with them anymore. While I already feel ill enough physically to bail on the outing to the bar tonight, I am repulsed by the ideas of willingly spending time with people like that. J's on her own unfortunately."
Now that I got that uncomfortable story out of the way, I can say how I had another fabulous day in South Africa with Mandla, Jessie and the lions! We headed to the lion and rhino park, a nature reserve, saw every animal I ever dreamed of, Lions up close to our car without a fence, ostrichs running in front of the car, all kinds of antelope type mammals, buffalo, hippos, etc. Oh and the best part? We walked into the lion pen and played around with siberian tiger and brown lion cubs! Classic! One jumped up and muddied my pants with his big cat paws, but these are actually cats I like, so I didn't mind. Hopefully Jessie's pictures come out since my camera died at this critical moment!
After seeing animals, Mandla took us to the Cradle of Humankind. aka Sterkfontein caves, one of the greatest productions of fossilized remains dating back 3.5 million years ago. Did I know this existed? No. Am I ever so pleased that I went? Of Course! The cave itself was beautiful, with intact stalactites, stalagmites, a lake, and of course, excavation sites for Mrs Ples, Little foot, and the Taung child. It was amazing to see how miners looking to obtain limestone stumbled across such an incredible portion of history. We were dazzled at the end without a doubt.
Today we woke up and decided to just loaf around the hostel. They have a pool, which we visited and were promptly told by one of the staff "The sun is NOT out". It is the new hilarious quote of the week. For us, the overcast skies were good enough to don our suits, but to him, we must have looked hilarious. Whatever. At least we were smart enough to head inside before the afternoon thunderstorm began!
Tomorrow it's off to Capetown!
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