I feel this journey deserves a blog entry of it's own - even though nothing major happened it was a significant chunk of my travelling time! I have put it under tumbes in Peru as that is the only place I stayed on the 4 day journey - other than that at all times I was on a bus!! So I got a taxi to the bus station in Riobamba, got a bus to Machala, another bus to Huaquillas, a taxi from the immigration office to the border, another taxi from the border to Peruvian immigration, from there I got a minibus to Tumbes (with many, many chickens - like literally bags of them). By the time I got to Tumbes I had missed all the buses to Lima, couldn't get a seat on a bus to Trujillo so just had to stay for the night (after travelling up and down the city in a mototaxi).
The following day I got a mototaxi to the bus station, then boarded a cama bus to Lima - this was pretty comfortable, the attendant played the dvds with English subtitles for me (until the DVD player broke) , but the journey was as good as a 21 hour bus journey can be. I arrived in Lima and promptly bought a bus ticket to Desaguadero (on the Bolivian border) without really checking the type of bus - this was not a cama bus and it was a terribly uncomfortable journey that lasted 26 hours! I also assumed (incorrectly) that Desaguadero was on the border with Copacobana in Bolivia where I could get to stay at lake Titicaca again! When I discovered it wasn't I just couldn't be bothered doing anything about it and decided to go straight to La Paz. I survived the terrible bus journey, reached the border and crossed into Bolivia where I got a share taxi to La Paz and then my final taxi to the hostel - four days of travel were finally over!
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Crazy A Minging. Butt cramp?