If I EVER mention going whale watching again, will some one please beat me round the head with a large stick?? We booked, it was cancelled, rescheduled for the next day and headed out to open choppy sea (next stop Japan) to spot the gray whale. The first half of April is, and I quote the guide book, "...the best time of year to see these magnificant creatures make their migration up the coast....often with young calves..." so as you can imagine my hopes where high. After 3 hours 50 minutes of stomach churning lurching and -10 temperatures, I didn't really give a figgy pudding about seeing a whale. We spotted a puff of water and the back of one a couple of times, but frankly, it wasn't worth it.
Our bear watching trip was fantastic though, we were in the calm inlets of Tofino, we saw 2 black bears from the coast (the area is inaccessible by road). It was late in the day and the sun started to set, rain came in and we were surrounded by double rainbows! Very good end to the day. We also spotted loads of bald eagles.Â
Onwards to Port Hardy. Â
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