So the South island begins!!!
Spent the first night in Nelson in a place called Fern Lodge whichwas more like a pub/hotel than a hostel. Me Kat n Marisa got a room to oursleves which was good as we make such a mess!!!
Did a day tour of Abel Tasman national park which is extremley beautiful however the walk was sold a s a coastal walk which it was not at all so that was a shame- very tiring day, Went bk to the hostel for a Roast dinner with Chocolate pud for dessert which is the first proper cooked meal ive had since being in NZ!! very nice!!
Next stop Westport- although struggling to remeber what we did there!!!??? oh we literally had one night there and checked out the local bars before heading to bed for an early night.
Lake Mahinapua- chucked it down all day but had a theme for tonight- P Party- after originally deciding to go as Pochahontas and someone else doing the same I went as Prehistoric woman- with a sheet bought from the Salvation Army store for $2!!!! Very funny night lots of great costumes!!
Franz Josef- awesome night out and glacier hiking which i was really worried about was probably one of the most AMAZING things ive ever done- well worth the money!!! will never do anything like it again i guess- its was just such a good day even though there was a mini avalanche right infront of our eyes just before we started our hike!!!
Wanaka was a one night stop again- stayed at base and partook in the rubbish pub quiz but it made for a funny night at least i guess!!
QUEENSTOWN!!!!- Arrived here and me n Marisa snuck off to do some shopping for Kat's birthday. Had a fergburger which is famous in Qtown- very nice- and they are the hugest burgers i have seen ever!!! We went to the base bar- all dressed up and had a very wicked night before miving on to the world bar where some people got free drinks- which made it a very messy evening!! Marisa also did the bungy jump and it was scary just watching her!!!
Spent the next day with Kat as it was her birthday. went for soup and then the 3 of us went out for dinner to the most amazing gourmet pizza place ive ever been- was so nice to go out for an actual meal!!! Went out for my last night with the girls- had lots of drinks and ended up not going to bed until 5am coz didnt wanna say goodbye to the girls!!!!
Left the girls on thebus on my way to Christchurch- whole day on bus and spent most of it sleeping!! lol. Met the guys from my room and had a few drinks with them in the bar and today I am sat here telling my story that WAS New Zealand and WILL be Thailand tomorrow!!!
Just so you all know-I'm moving to New Zealand!!! I LOVE IT!!! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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