Steph and Stevens travels!
Hello everyone!
After a fun night out in Cairns which we got in at 2.30am we had to be on the coach at 6.30am. We travelled to the Whitsundays where we stopped at Long Island! The resort was ace it had loads of free stuff to do like - tennis, table tennis, air hockey, pool, beach and pool volleyball and kayaking etc. We watched karaoke that night after tea before bed.
On Wednesday we had a free day which we just relaxed. We started off with a game of tennis but it got too hot in the end so we went in the pool to the bar and had a cocktail or two! After lunch we wanted to go on a peddlo but the tide had gone too far out so we couldn't. Instead we went and watched the fish feeding and saw a big bat fish and then we played beach volleyball with our group! After tea we had a few drinks.
Thursday we overslept and was woken up by our tour leader Shane banging on our window telling us we had 5 minutes to get to the jetty which seemed miles away. We managed to get a lift on a golf buggy and beat everyone there lol! First stop on the ferry was Hamilton Island where we had breakfast and then watched all the boats in the harbour, it was nice and relaxing. After lunch on the ferry we travelled to Whitehaven Beach. This beach has white silica sand which squeaks when you walk on it and it feels like talcum powder which is cool. The water was clear and it was really hot! We put on our stinger suits to swim because of the occasional jellyfish. We played frisbee and bat and ball in the sea before Steph made a sandcastle which was ace lol! The time flew by and we had to return to Long Island. Once again after tea we had a few cocktails before bed!
On Friday we travelled to Capricorn Caves. We did a night walk through the caves which was really cool. At the end the guide left us to walk through a very narrow and small hole by candle light and before a few of us actually got in the hole the wind blew the candles out. So we had to negotiate our way back through the pitch black cave lol!
On Saturday we travelled to Fraser Island which is an island made entirely of sand. We went to Lake Birrabean for a swim which was very pretty with white sand and clear water, we had lots of fun having a water fight! Had a drink before going back to the boys room to play cards and drink other people's drink lol!
On Sunday we went on a 4 wheel drive around all of Fraser Island. First stop was Lake Wobby. To get there you have to walk across a massive sandblow and it was so hot! When we reached it we all ran down the massive sandblow hill and jumped in, some people rolled all the way down aswell. Second stop was Eli Creek where we walked up to the top of it and then just let the current take us back to the bottom, this water was very cold and I splashed Steph lol. We had lunch on the beach which is also the national highway and a runway for planes, it is 75 miles long! We then made 2 short stops, one at a shipwreck and the other at a hill with lots of pretty coloured sands! After this we stopped at Indian Head which is a massive cliff. From the top we saw about 50 tiger sharks and a stingray. The final stop was at champagne pools which are 2 rock pools where the waves crash against the rocks and crash over the top into the pools. That night was Connections 30th birthday so we had a kids themed party so we all dressed up and played kids games like pass the parcel. I won the Australian Limbo which won me a $20 bar tab :)
Travelled to the Gold Coast on monday. We stopped off at Brisbane for a few hours so we decided to update the site. So this is the second time we have done this but first time it decided to not work, after spending 40 minutes typing all of this. That night we went to a karaoke bar where we had tea. We also watched the funniest thing ever. Darren and Lucy did the Time Warp and he was hillarious!
Yesterday we went to Wet'n'Wild with Cheryl and Orla. We had lots of fun on all the rides but the funniest thing was Steph. Earlier on in the day Steph's bikini top nearly came off on a ride so when we was on Terror Canyon going over a drop, Steph thought it would be a good idea to hold onto her top, but didn't realise that she needed to hold on to the tyre. She flew out of the front of it and everyone in the queue was in tears lol! That night we went out in Surfers Paradise and I defied the dress policy with no sandals and they let me in everywhere. We ended up in Shooters which was a ladies night. The lads had to pay $5 to get in while the girls got in free. They also got a present which included 10% discount at an Adult shop, lubrication, a condom and a raffle ticket to win a vibrator! Also the entertainment for the night was male strippers. How embarrassing for them, they looked slightly gay while prancing about to YMCA in 'little' thongs!
We travelled to Byron Bay today and are going for a surfing lesson tomorrow. Hopefully our pictures will upload after I write this. But we only have time to put half from Oz on!
Love Steven and Steph x x
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