Steph's Asia Trip
Went snorkelling today - was really awesome - just like on the discovery channel (obviously I'm too cool to be a regular discovery channel viewer but I imagine they have lots of stuff like i saw). Wish I had a waterproof Camera.
Was in the coral reefs (which are a bit painful getting into when there's no sand to walk on - and I didn't want to damage the coral) There were loads of bizzarely coloured fish and crinkly seaweed things and the coral is so pretty - never seen so many colours and shapes like that before! It was great!
Alice (the girl I'm living with at the moment) found a diving school she liked at the cove we were snorkelling at so she's starting her Open-Water course tomorrow. We're moving to a bungalow near there - it''s perched right on the top of a cliff - really great view! I'll be doing more snorkelling tomorrow - it's really cool! And also going out on the boat with the divers to have a look around the diving sites.
Planning to leave on thrusday and head down to Malaysia - it's going to be a 19hour journey!! Hopefully most should be spent sleeping on the train - in a 2nd class berth - booking ahead!
Tried to look up if the pollitical situation on the east coast crossing was ok (was a bit dodgy earlier this year) - but internet is a bit difficult here. If anyone hears that there's a war or something (or any reason I might die or get kidnapped) please let me know before Thursday!
BBQ seafood for dinner tonight hopefully, with jacket potato and salad mmmmmmmm............!
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