Steph's Asia Trip
Been in Phnom Penh for a few days now - seen most of the sights since it's only small. Been staying with Claire which has been cool. We've been out in the evenings - last night we went to an extraordiary club full of Khmers (native cambodian people) lots of bizarre singing and dancing - was very entertaining.
Also mastered the art of riding side-saddle on the motos and also getting me and claire on the back of one moto! I've become numb to the insane driving now - moto drivers don't class themselves as proper vehicle drivers, so they don't think they have to obey any of the road laws - which is completely illogical since they are by far the majority of vehicles on the roads!
The father of Claire's boss died a couple of days ago and in Cambodia the funeral ceremonies last for 7 days (2 days before they die and 5 days after - not sure how they know when they're going to die!?!) So there has been lots of comotion about it. Everybody is supposed to go and you have to give money too!! Claire decided not to go since she felt out of place, but some of the girls did including Claire's cook. Sounds like a very strange idea!! Very alien culture to invite strangers to a funeral.
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