We set off from Zion early in the morning (about half 10!!!) for a monster drive to the GC. It took almost 6 hours to get there so it was getting on a little bit by the time we arrived, it then took us ages to find somewhere to stop. There were campsites around but we needed power points to charge up the batteries so we could take lots of lovely photos for you guys. See how we spend our precious money for you all!!! we eventually found a cheapish motel in a town called tuscyon which was about 6 miles from the south rim of the GC. We unloaded the car ahnd set off for the GC and got there just in time for sunset, which was, as you might expect, amazing. The GC itself is to big to even try to describe in words and we were really dissapointed that we were only spending 1 full day there so wouldnt be able to hike it down to the bottom, which i think is essential to properly appreciate the scale of it. Aftwer sunset we drove back to our motel and found a cheap placev to eat. The next morning, all fully charged we set of for the rim and a campsite to pitch the tent in. Once we were all set up we headed to the shuttle bus stop to explore the southern rim. The views were spectacular, but after seeing red rock and mountains on long drives over the past 5 days or so it was somewhat lost on us and i dont think either of us appreciated it as much as we would have liked. We took lots of photos of similar looking rocks and decided that we had seen about as much as we were going to from the rim so kel bought herself some internet time and i got myself a 12 pack. kel went to the internet, i went to the tent and read some book and drank some beers in the late afternoon sun, ah the Grand Canyon!! We set up the BBQ, had some amazing chicken wings and breasts and got the fire going to toast some marshmallows, more beer and whisky, The GC was getting better and better!!! We decided that we would get up for sunrise to try to inject a little bit more magic into the GC. We retired back to the tent and about 2 minutes later (or at least it felt like that) the alarm was going off for us to wake up. It was 5.15am, we got up looking and feeling great and set of to a vista point where there was already a small gathering. We were early and we were cold and we had to fight for a good spot. It better be worth it. It was. It was easily the most spectacular sunrise ive ever seen and in such a beautiful place as well, the GC had its magic back and there are about 60 photos to prove it!!! Once the sun was up we went back to bed for a couple of hours then got up to begin the 500 mile trip tom san diego!!!!!
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