"As I lay awake, unable to get back to sleep, at 2:00 am, I told myself that you can never presume that jetlag is over. Tossed and turned until breakfast at about 8am and ate as much as I could, which made me sleepy again. Managed to doze until about midday, when we set off to find the kayaks that the B&B had. We weren't sure which two were the ones we were supposed to take so grabbed two at random and paddled to Palm Beach bay, about 30 minutes away. When we got out, I went to hunt and gather while C looked after the boats, and soon came back with shark'n'greasies to feed my hungry wife."
"the seagulls were as excited about the fish & chips as I was; so we fended them off by flinging sand at them! After a leisurely walk on Palm Beach, we headed back in kayaks against the wind which was tougher on the biceps. Was a nice view of the cliffs from the sea though. We made it back eventually with cold & soggy bottoms; so pegged it back to the B&B to jump in the boiling jacuzzi to thaw out. We finished watching Kath & Kim, then decided it was time to head out to Stefano's for dinner (world famous pizza, apparently!). Having not slept well last night, we aimed to stay up late tonight (until 11pm at least!!), but with full bellies I'm not sure quite how feasible it will be..."
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